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Manipulation More and more “ordinary” Americans are fleeing the US to Russia

This thesis was circulated on social networks, in particular on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that the number of people wishing to choose permanent residence in Russia is growing. Most of them are believers who are close in spirit to the moral values protected by Russia, but long destroyed in America. The authors refer to an interview with Mykola Patrushev, Secretary of the Security Council of Russia. This is manipulation.

The case was noticed by the fact-checkers of The Insider project, they found that such a thesis is manipulative and untrue. For example, according to the statistics of the Russian Foreign Ministry in 2021, 322 US citizens received Russian citizenship. In 2022 - 262 people. That is, the number of people is not increasing, but rather decreasing. At the same time, it should be understood that data from official Russian institutions can be defiled and deliberately increased.

By spreading this manipulation, propagandists are trying to convince that Russia is a piece of heaven on earth or a “safe haven” that everyone can get into. Saying that Russia wants to protect all the people of the world, it has committed and is committing war crimes. In particular, on the territory of Ukraine, since the beginning of the war in 2014, Russia has been causing devastation: destroying Ukrainian cities and villages, killing thousands of Ukrainians, in particular children. Also, propagandists build an imaginary curtain between the whole world and Russia, saying that there are enemies on the other side. Consequently, they instill hatred in Russians for almost all peoples.

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