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Message Ukrainians rejoice that war has come to Crimea

This is written in anonymous telegram channels. Like, if Crimea is Ukraine, then how, after such joy, to return these territories.

Explosions were heard in the temporarily occupied territory of Crimea on August 9 at the military airfield in Novofedorovka. The Russian Ministry of Defense reported that the fire at the Saki airbase was caused by the detonation of several aircraft projectiles, allegedly due to a violation of fire safety requirements. The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported that it could not establish the cause of the fire. That is, neither Ukraine nor Russia recognized any military operations on the territory of the military airfield, which is under the control of infidels.

Information about the explosions at the airport really caused a strong reaction on social networks. However, emotions were caused primarily by significant losses of the enemy. Yurii Ihnat, a representative of the Air Force command, said on the air of the national telethon on August 10 that a composition of aviation weapons and about a dozen aircraft that systematically patrolled the airspace on the territory of Ukraine were destroyed at the airfield in the occupied Crimea.

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