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Fake Ukrainian propaganda creates videos in which it uses actors instead of real soldiers

In the Russian and Georgian segments of Facebook, a Tiktok video is being shared, in which a man dressed in a Ukrainian military uniform walks through the forest and portrays suffering on camera. In the posts accompanying this video, it is explained that this is apparently how Ukrainian propaganda works, which tries to convince Europe of the successes of the Armed Forces and the heroic struggle of the Ukrainian military by shooting staged videos. In fact, as the fact-checking project Mythdetector found out, the video is a fragment of the filming of a music video by Ukrainian singer Hanna Hanina. There is a real Ukrainian actor in the video, and his name is Petro Sherekin. He lives in Germany. The video shows that these are staged shots, but they don't try to pass them off as actual filming by the Ukrainian military or to use them for propaganda purposes. It is just filming the workflow while working on the song "Kolyskova" music video.

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