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Fake Russian media reported that the armed forces fired on civilians at the crossing under the Antonivskyi bridge in Kherson

It isn't true. As the head of the joint press center of the Defense Forces "South" Nataliya Humenyuk explained, the fire on the Antonivskyi Bridge occurred during the curfew, so there were no civilians.

"The fact that civilians can't be on the bridge at this time is claimed even by the occupiers themselves because it is a curfew and stringent measures are taken against those who may violate it. There were no civilians there," Humenyuk stressed. Collaborators and occupiers who had changed into civilian clothes could have been injured in the attack on the bridge.

"They are trying to hide their affiliation with the military and create the image that the civilian population is being shelled. However, it isn't true," added the head of the press center. As you know, Russian propagandist and former employee of the RT channel Oleg Klokov died at the Antonivskiy crossing. He fled from Kherson to the left-bank part of the Kherson region and transported the stolen Gazelle car and other property on the TV channel "Suspilne Kherson." More details.

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