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Manipulation The World Bank and the UN cannot agree on how many poor people Ukraine will have by the end of this year.

Social networks are actively spreading information that allegedly the World Bank and the UN are arguing about how many poor people Ukraine will have by the end of 2022. There are only two variants: 70 or 90%. According to VoxCheck, such statements about disputes are manipulation, because it is impossible to compare the estimates of the World Bank and the UN. The fact is.

The World Bank indicates that the poverty rate in Ukraine may reach 70% in 2022 by the national poverty rate. For comparison, the World Bank indicates that in 2021 the figure was 18%. The UNDP, the U.N. Development Program is looking at four possible scenarios, the worst of which could see the level of those living below the poverty line and those who could cross it reach 90.5% if the war drags on during the next year. "Of that 90.5%, the UN worst-case scenario puts 28% below the poverty line and 62.5% likely to cross the poverty line. Before the war the UN estimated that 2% of Ukraine's population lived below the poverty line and 43.4% could cross the poverty line According to the three other UN scenarios, the level of those living below the poverty line and those who could cross the poverty line could be 53.8% (4.2% below the poverty line and 49.7% could cross the line), 60.9% (6.4% and 54.5% respectively) or 64.5% (9% and 55.5%). The UN takes the international poverty rate - $5.5/day ( for those who can cross the poverty line - $5.5 to 13/day) - rather than the national rate, as the World Bank does. , the forecast is based on a time when there was still active fighting in the north of Ukraine. However, the course of the war is changing daily, so it is difficult to make any predictions at such an early stage," the fact checkers say.

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