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Message The war in Ukraine will continue “for a very long time”, Zelenskyi needs it to stay in power

Pro-Russian anonymous telegram channels write about this. Allegedly, Zelenskyi said that he would remain the president of Ukraine until victory in the war, and he was not yet ready to talk about future plans. Like, this indicates that Zelenskyi wants to use the war to stay in power as long as possible.

In fact, propagandists are manipulating a quote from an interview with Volodymyr Zelenskyi on the Netflix project. They used a quote taken out of context to promote the narrative that the Ukrainian authorities benefit from the war in Ukraine.

In fact, according to Ukrainian law, elections are not held during martial law. That is, according to the law, Zelenskyi will remain the president of Ukraine until the end of the war. In turn, Russian propaganda adds its own unsubstantiated interpretation of the "motives" of Volodymyr Zelenskyi. Thus, propaganda also “heats up” internal emotional discussions among Ukrainians regarding the assessment of the actions of Volodymyr Zelenskyi as president, further destabilizes the situation and shifts responsibility for the war from the Russian president to the Ukrainian one.

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