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Fake The Ukrainian military is incompetent, so they presented lained tanks as destroyed Russian military equipment

Information about the fact that the Ukrainian military allegedly showed their lined tanks as Russian military equipment is spread by Russian media and telegram channels. Reports claim that Ukrainian soldiers were allegedly caught falsifying the news about tanks. According to StopFake, the federal channel "Russia 24" dedicated a story to one of such fakes in the news program. "Russian media claim that the Ukrainian military is incompetent and is photographed against the background of their own lined Bulat tanks, pretending to be Russian equipment," the fact-checkers wrote. But the photo does not show Ukrainian Bulat tanks, as explained in an interview with StopFake expert on tank technology Alexander Kostur. He added that in the story of the channel "Russia 24," there are images of two different tanks, but neither is a tank "Bulat" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to the expert, there were no such tanks in the Ukrainian army at all. Read more.

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