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Fake The British prisoner who was in Bucha did not see any atrocities or murders there

This information was spread by the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. The publication published a text with the title: "British Mercenary: 'We Didn't See Any Corpses in Buche'" by Valentin Alfimov, editor of the political department. The text states that "Andrew came to Ukraine to defend its independence. But, like other 'wild geese', decided that life was more important after all, laid down his arms and surrendered. Already sitting in his warm office, he gave an interview to "RT in Russian," where he told how the Ukrainians took him to Bucha a couple of days after our units had left there." The text goes on to quote this Andrew as saying that he was in Bucha on April 3-4 and did not see any bodies or destruction there. However, the original interview to which the author of the text in Komsomolskaya Pravda refers says that around April 3-5, Andrew did not see any destruction, but not in Bucha itself, but on the outskirts. He says so: "But, again, we were not in Bucha itself, we were kept in the outskirts. However, Komsomolskaya Pravda and Russian propagandists benefit from another claim that what happened in Buchea was only a decree by the Ukrainian army to discredit the Russian military. In addition, the propagandists constantly manipulate the topic of Bucha and claim that everything was fine there. they also occasionally emphasize that the Ukrainian army intends to arrange a "new Bucha" in various places in Ukraine in order to discredit the Russian one again. However, thanks to these lies the propagandists only seek to justify the criminal actions of the Russian military.

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