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Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Fake The Security Service of Ukraine threatens police officers with the death penalty for cooperating with Russia

The Russian media spread this information. The proof is a letter that allegedly came to a former employee of the law enforcement agencies who lives in the temporarily occupied part of the Zaporizhzhia region.

The text of the letter states that the pensioner was sentenced to death for treason to Ukraine and cooperation with Russia, and the sentence will be carried out "soon."

He is given 15 days to take his family to the territory controlled by Ukraine, and if he escapes, it is hinted that his son, who is in Zaporizhzhia, may suffer. At the end of the letter, it is stated that the best option for the collaborator is to kill himself. This letter is a fake, the fact-checkers of the "On the other side of the news" ("Po toy bik novyn") project note.

Official letters from the Security Service of Ukraine must be on letterhead with details, source number, and signature. Collaborators demonstrate only text printed on paper and written in Russian. Many grammatical and punctuation errors indicate that the document is a forgery. Moreover, other errors in the letter are factual.

The letter states that the traitor was sentenced to death by the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The death penalty has been banned in Ukraine for 22 years. Its absence was a mandatory condition for our country's membership in the Council of Europe.

It isn't the first time that Russian propaganda has used fake documents to spread disinformation about the SSU. "Such statements by the occupiers are an attempt to tarnish the Ukrainian special services. In addition, the Russians and their supporters want to shift responsibility for their war crimes because it's known that the occupiers themselves are trying to "legitimize" the execution," fact-checkers note. More details.

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