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Disclosure The occupiers distributed a document on the preparation of Kyiv schools for a state of emergency

A fake document was circulated on the network, allegedly sent from the Department of education and science of the city of Kyiv. It says that educational institutions in Kyiv are allegedly preparing to transfer the premises to the use of the defense forces for the further creation of military field hospitals. Like, the threat of escalation in the Kyiv direction is “high”. In addition, the “document” contains a clause on the transfer of a list of contact details of young men who have reached the age of 17.

The Department of education and science of the city of Kyiv says that no orders have been issued to transfer educational institutions to the capital under the leadership of any other bodies. Employees of the Department also stated that all educational institutions in Kyiv are working as usual, and employees are at their workplaces performing their duties.

The Department is convinced that the spread of a fake document indicates an attempt by the Russians to sow panic among Ukrainians on the eve of the anniversary of a full-scale invasion. At the same time, propagandists are trying once again to nourish the narrative about the mobilization of teenagers, including in a fake document. Allegedly, there is no one to fight anymore, so the Ukrainian leadership is mobilizing even young men.

Detector Media has previously refuted the fake, in which, they say, underage boys are not allowed to go abroad, because they will soon be mobilized.

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