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Fake Eulenspiegel, the German magazine, created a cover about the Olympic Games with “outraged” Ukrainians

The allegedly new cover of the German humor magazine Eulenspiegel is being circulated online. The cover illustrated representatives of the LGBTI community and Ukrainians holding on to the Olympic rings with the inscription: “Tug of war during the Olympic Games!”. It is not true.

Analysts of the VoxCheck project investigated this case and found that there are no issues with such a cover on the website of the magazine and on pages in social networks.

Ukraine may boycott the upcoming 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris due to the position of the International Olympic Committee and the admission of athletes from Russia and Belarus to participate in international competitions. Volodymyr Zelenskyi wrote a letter to French President Emmanuel Macron and called on the organizers not to allow Russia to use “any other international sporting event to promote aggression or its own state chauvinism”.

Propagandists spread this fake to show how Ukraine is not supported by foreign countries and believe that it is “pulling the rope on itself”, that is, it wants to get more attention, for example, to increase international support.

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