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Message The mass murders in Bucha near Kyiv were staged by the Ukrainian military

A former military man from France, Adrien Boke, repeatedly exposed for lying and spreading Kremlin propaganda, appeared in the Russian media again with a statement about the alleged atrocities of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the staging of mass killings of civilians in Bucha, which he saw with his own eyes. In an interview with the pro-Kremlin news agency RIA Novyny, Adrian Boke said that the Ukrainian military was allegedly specifically looking for Russian officers and shot them in the head and that in front of him, bodies of people were taken out of trucks and placed next to the bodies lying on the side of the streets.

Adrian Boke's stories about Ukraine were previously refuted by StopFake, Liberation, and other international media, but the Kremlin media continues to reproduce them.

Data received from Ukrainian border guards indicate that Adrian Boke made only short-term visits to the Ukrainian territory during April. He entered Ukraine for the first time through the Sheghini checkpoint on April 4 and left the same day. His second visit took place from April 5 to 6. These two visits are confirmed by the data provided by the charitable foundation "Sheptytskyi Hospital", which Adrian Boke visited twice. Later, he returned to Ukraine only on April 17, entering through the Krakovets checkpoint, and left the country on April 19 - this is the longest visit of Adrian Boke, which also took no more than 72 hours. Boke's last crossing of the Polish-Ukrainian border took place between April 19 and 20. These data refute the trip possibility to Bucha, which is located 7 hours away from Lviv (taking into account roadblocks, the road in April would take about a day for one way).

Numerous testimonies of local residents and satellite images of the Bucha district confirm the fact that the population on the Kyiv outskirts was subjected to violence by the Russian military. And the atrocities of the Russian occupiers in Bucha became the main topic of the world media and social networks. More details.

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