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Fake The American edition of Chronicles published a cover about the superiority of Russia over Ukraine in aviation

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric are circulating the alleged cover of the American magazine Chronicles about Russia's superiority over Ukraine in aviation. The picture shows a Russian fighter jet, a ghost hunter, hunting down the Ukrainian ghost of Kyiv. It's fake.

The case was investigated by the VoxCheck fact-checker. There is no issue of the American Chronicles magazine with this cover. The image indicates that this is the August edition, but the Chronicles website, which has covers for every issue of the magazine, does not have such a cover. And the August issue was dedicated to the US elections.

Russian propaganda systematically publishes fake covers of world publications. Thus, propagandists seek to show that their rhetoric is also repeated in the West, and the whole world is laughing at Ukraine, and Russia is winning the war. Earlier, Detector Media refuted the fake that the German magazine Handelsblatt depicted a destroyed Leopard tank on the cover.

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