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Manipulation Russia will help the Ukrainian people eliminate an "anti-people and anti-historical regime"

It was stated by the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Sergey Lavrov. The Russians and Ukrainians allegedly will continue to live together.

According to the Constitution, Ukraine is a sovereign, independent, democratic, and legal state. The only source of power in Ukraine is the people. Using their rights, Ukrainians elected Volodymyr Zelensky as president. Therefore, the popular results will refute the thesis about the "anti-people's regime" in Ukraine. As a foreign state, Russia should not interfere in Ukraine's internal processes at all. Lavrov's words "the historical unity of the Ukrainians and Russians" are one of the cliches of Russian propaganda, built on the history and communist ideology rewritten by the Soviet authorities.

According to the sociological survey, only 2% of Ukrainians have a good attitude towards Russia, while 92% have a bad attitude. Therefore, Lavrov's statement about the further "common life" of Ukrainians and Russians does not correspond to reality.

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