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Disclosure On behalf of the OSINT company Molfar, they spread a fake about the shelling of Kyiv

The Russians distributed the fake information as a copy of a printed document entitled "Urgent notice regarding probable missile strikes soon on the territory of Ukraine." It is a fake. As the company reports, "it is a fake, a throw-in and just a clumsy discredit aimed at taking revenge on Molfar for their work for Ukraine." The information in the fake document is presented "in the style of a cabinet order of the power structure, where decision-making depends on seals and signatures." This style of formulating texts is not characteristic of Molfar researchers. Fact-checkers point out that they do not have insider information about missile attacks, and it is impossible to predict missile flight routes based on OSINT analytics. The logo of the Molfar brewery was also used in the fake document. The company urges us to verify the information and not to believe fakes. More details.

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