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Message Russia doesn't target civilians. Strike on a house in Dnipro is air defense work

On January 14, a Russian military rocket attack on an 18-entrance building in Dnipro, where more than 1,100 people lived, killed at least 9 people, including a 15-year-old girl, and injured 64. Russian propagandists have spread a number of messages, whitewashing Russia's crime and blaming the Ukrainian military and government for the tragedy.

Russia has never struck civilians

Pro-Russian bloggers claim that the Russian military's missile strikes are accurate and always hit the target. This time, the targets were energy infrastructure facilities and Ukrainian air defense positions.

An air defense missile hit the building

Like, an air defense missile destroyed the whole entrance of a multi-storey residential building in Dnipro. Allegedly, as a result of the hit, a secondary detonation took place, most likely the result of a gas explosion. Neither the air defense missile itself, nor even the Russian cruise missile could cause such fatal destruction.

No one will know the truth, independent experts will not be invited

Allegedly, Ukraine blamed the Russians, and Russia blamed Ukraine. This controversial case could be resolved by sending independent experts, but during the war no one will do this and everyone will blame each other.

For the sacrificial death of Ukrainians, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will receive the latest tanks from the West

Allegedly, the Ukrainian authorities use a hit of the house in order to beg military assistance from the West. Like, Zelenskyi is safe and ready to fight to the last peaceful Ukrainian.

In fact, a building in Dnipro was destroyed by a Russian ballistic missile strike. According to Mykola Lukashuk, chairman of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council, he was released from a Tu-22m3 long-range bomber. It was at this time that air raids continued throughout Ukraine, and Russian missiles were hit not only in Dnipro, but also in other settlements of Ukraine. In particular, in the Lviv region. However, Russian propaganda once again seeks to justify the crimes of Russians against Ukrainian civilians and accuse Ukraine of killing civilians. Propagandists use this technique almost every time after people die as a result of Russian strikes. For example, Russia denied its involvement in the deaths of people in Kramatorsk or Vinnytsia, who died as a result of rockets falling on public places. In addition, Russia regularly claims that it hits only infrastructure facilities. However, this is not true, because Russian missiles have repeatedly hit both residential buildings and led to tragedies, as well as shopping centers, train stations and so on.

By the way, in one of the propaganda telegram channels at the time when the air raids continued in Ukraine, a message appeared that there were 80 missiles in the sky over Ukraine at that time. The message also said that not all of them will fall into infrastructure facilities. Later, propagandists began to spread the words of Oleksii Arestovych, an adviser to the President's Office, who allegedly agreed that the explosion in the house was due to air defense. Allegedly, a rocket flying over Dnipro was shot down and it exploded when it fell on the entrance of a residential building. These words of Arestovych were massively shared by Russian propagandists, claiming that Ukraine itself admitted its guilt in the death of civilians. However, the words of Oleksii Arestovych are not the official position of Ukraine on this issue, and the Office Advisor himself has not yet commented on the situation that has developed as a result of his statements.

However, according to the project NotaYenota, according to the speaker of the Air Force of Ukraine Yurii Ihnat, the missile was launched over Dnipro from a Tu-22M3 long-range bomber from the Kursk region and the Sea of Azov. In total, there were 5 launches of such missiles. The X-22 is called the “carrier killer”. The missile, warhead 950 kilograms, can be equipped with a nuclear warhead. It is designed to destroy aircraft carrier groups at sea. Such missiles are not used in cities, but it was Russia that launched them over Dnipro. Later, Arestovych spoke about his words on the Facebook page. The adviser to the Office of the President did not deny that he really spoke on the air about the fall of the air defense missile. However, he noted that no one would accuse Ukraine of blowing up the house, because the world would understand everything correctly. Such words of the adviser were perceived ambiguously, so in the comments to the message he was asked if the tragedy really arose because of the Ukrainian air defense. Arestovych noted that the explosion occurred as a result of Russian actions. The Air Force Command of Ukraine once again reacted to the situation and reported that the radar facilities had found the approximate launch site, altitude, and flight speed. “There is no doubt that it was the X-22 missile. The Armed Forces of Ukraine do not have fire weapons capable of shooting down this type of missiles”, the ministry said.

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