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Manipulation Representatives of the White House claim that Ukraine has no chance of returning the occupied territories by Russia

The Russian media spread such messages concerning CNN publications. It is not true.

The Administration of the President of the USA did not make such statements. It is the personal opinion of some officials. VoxChek fact-checkers investigated the manipulation. In fact, the author of the CNN article, Natasha Bertrand, regarding anonymous comments of White House officials, writes about the doubts of some representatives of the Biden administration about the possibility of returning territories to Ukraine. However, this opinion is only the "internal discussions" of the advisors of the US president. The article emphasizes that the US will not pressure Ukraine for territorial concessions and hopes that Ukraine will return the territories during the counteroffensive. The opinion of individual officials cannot be considered the official position of the Administration of the President of the USA. Russian propaganda systematically uses distorted quotes from Western media to discredit the world's support for Ukraine and devalue the actions of its partners regarding military aid to Ukraine.

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