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Fake Over China, the airspace has been closed, military equipment is on the way to Beijing, a coup is being prepared

This information is being shared on social media. Allegedly, Chinese President Xi Jinping has not appeared anywhere since the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit held in Samarkand, Uzbekystan, where he met Putin in person for the first time since the start of the all-out war in Ukraine. Like, there are rumors about the early resignation of Xi Jinping and China is on the verge of a military coup. This is not true.

On the Flightradar24 website, we see that planes are flying over China, the airspace is not closed. There is also no official confirmation that China has stopped rail traffic and that troops are being transferred to Beijing en masse.

A fake about a coup in China has flown into the social networks of Ukrainians from the Russian information space. Although Xi Jinping met personally with Putin on September 15, China's neutral position has not changed. The other day, US President Joe Biden said that so far there was no evidence of practical support for Russia from China. Also, President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, in an interview on September 24, called China's position "ambiguous" and said he would like to see help from China to fight against Russia.

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