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Disclosure Russia convinces young people through TikTok that it is the only energy independent country

Russian propaganda has begun circulating TikTok videos in various languages that make fun of the energy crisis. This was reported by the Center for Counteracting Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council in Telegram.

A video appeared on social networks about a frozen hero who decided to add heat to his home, but the police rushed to him. At the same time, videos of the opposite content with the gas or hot water turned on are being distributed in Russian on TikTok.

“Thus, Rospropaganda is trying to influence the audience over the age of 18. Instead of the traditional intimidation, Russian propaganda is trying to create the impression that supposedly Russia is the only energy independent and rich country”, the message adds.

In fact, the share of Russian energy carriers in the world market is less than 10%.

Analysts emphasize that with the onset of the heating season, Russia will only increase the energy blackmail of the population. Note that earlier Russian propaganda in the context of messages about the gas crisis in Europe always mentioned sanctions against Russia. Now the Russians are spreading the thesis that Russia is the only country where you can keep warm in winter and not save on electricity and hot water.

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