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Message No one needs this war, and it's necessary to negotiate

Russian resources have been actively spreading such messages in the past few days.

The propagandists use Ukrainian prisoners of war, who read a prepared text on camera under pressure to promote these theses. Allegedly, the Ukrainian army sees no point in fighting for the native land and is waiting for negotiations, that is, for surrender.

Propagandists repeat daily that Moscow is ready to start the negotiations. However, Volodymyr Zelenskyy has a hard line, so his participation is excluded from the negotiation process. Allegedly, as an option, the Kremlin can negotiate with the EU and the US without the participation of Ukraine.

The meeting may occur in the Emirates or Istanbul, where "conflict freezes and demarcation lines are agreed upon." Thus, the Russians want to devalue Volodymyr Zelenskyy as the president and Ukraine as an independent state. Earlier, propagandists spread the thesis that Volodymyr Zelenskyy was forbidden to conduct negotiations.

That is, Russia is supposedly at war not with Ukraine, but with NATO, where all decisions are made by the West and the USA instead of Ukraine. The Russians are trying in every possible way to incline Ukraine to negotiations. Since they are unable to do this on a diplomatic level, they will decide to put pressure on the population of Ukraine on an emotional level. They are provoking dissatisfaction with the authorities among Ukrainians to force Zelenskyy to start negotiations with Putin.

Nobody needs this war, it can be finished in a few days, and Zelenskyy is ready for negotiations with Russia. However, the dialogue will begin if and after Russia withdraws its troops from the territory of Ukraine and leaves Ukrainian land within the internationally recognized borders of 1991.

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