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Fake NATO troops entered Vovchansk

This thesis appeared on propaganda channels in Telegram. Blogger and officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Anatolii Shtefan (“Shtirlits”) drew attention to the same type of fakes.

Russian “military correspondents”, who write daily about the war in Ukraine, actively disseminate information that “NATO troops” entered not only Vovchansk, but also Kozacha Lopan. There are practically no Ukrainian military in these cities, “many blacks and English speakers”.

Anatolii Shtefan recalled who exactly fired Vovchansk, adding a photo of Ukrainian soldiers against the backdrop of the Ukrainian flag over the administrative building of the city.

In the south and in the Kharkiv region, the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, announced at the end of August, continues. According to President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, since the beginning of September, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have liberated about 2,000 square kilometers. As of September 11, Ukrainian units have de-occupied more than 40 settlements in the Kharkiv region.

Russian propagandists regularly throw messages about discrediting the Ukrainian military, and if they can no longer keep silent about the successes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, then they attribute them to foreign mercenaries and that the counteroffensive is carried out to the order of the United States or the West.

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