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Manipulation In the EU, they started talking about the gradual lifting of sanctions against Russia

In the EU, they started talking about the gradual lifting of sanctions against Russia. Russian media, citing an interview with Austrian Foreign Minister Oleksandr Schallenberg, spread manipulative “news” that Europe is ready to make concessions to the Kremlin and start negotiations to lift a number of restrictions against the Russian economy.

In an interview with the Wiener Zeitung, Schallenberg, on the contrary, expressed confidence that the sanctions are becoming more effective every day and it is too early to talk about the possibility of easing sanctions.

Answering a question from journalists about whether it is possible to imagine a situation in which the EU lifts sanctions from Russia, the Austrian Foreign Minister specifically stated that there are no such prerequisites now. Russia's disinformation news about the EU's readiness to lift sanctions on Russia is based on this quote by Schallenberg - cut off and taken out of context.

According to him, Putin has no desire to retreat, on the contrary, Russia's goal is still the destruction of Ukraine.

As you know, due to the fact that Russia pretends that the sanctions do not affect its economy and continues the war in Ukraine, EU member states are in favor of expanding the list of sanctioned persons influencing the Russian leadership. However, Russian propaganda is trying to convince at least on the domestic market that the lifting of sanctions is possible. It is indeed possible, but only after Russian troops leave Ukrainian territory. More details.

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