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Manipulation NATO faces inevitable disintegration if it maintains its anti-Russian course

This was reported by the pro-Kremlin media regarding the retired colonel and former senior adviser to the US Secretary of Defense Douglas McGregor. He believes that most members of the alliance don`t want to enter into an open armed confrontation with Moscow, and no one in NATO, except for Poland, is interested in a war with Russia. McGregor predicts the disappearance of NATO if support for Ukraine continues. It is not true.

Douglas McGregor has been talking about the "inevitable defeat of Kyiv" and spreading the Kremlin's message about nuclear weapons almost since the beginning of Russia's full-scale war in Ukraine.

Russian propaganda often uses the opinion of some former American military officer and presents it as the official position of the United States. Russians have been recently confused by Ukraine's application to join NATO and the fact that NATO has officially declared its readiness to help Ukraine. To neutralize these statements, propagandists spread the thesis that it is a provocation and a counter-message to Putin.

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