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Message Mariupol is a Russian city returning to its roots

According to the fact-checker of the EUvsDISINFO project, this message was promoted by propagandists in a four-episode documentary series called “Mariupol: Chronicles of a Russian City”, which was broadcast by RT Spanish in August 2022. This thesis is part of a disinformation campaign to justify the illegal occupation of Ukrainian territories by Russia.

Mariupol cannot be considered a Russian city. From its foundation in 1776 to this day, Mariupol has always been and remains a Ukrainian city. Due to its geographical location, the city is of strategic importance. In April 2014, it was occupied by Russian troops and pro-Russian militants. In June 2014, the city was de-occupied. Since March 1, 2022, the city has again been under the blockade of the Russian occupation forces.

As in 2014, so in 2022, the Ukrainians put up heroic resistance to the invaders in Mariupol. As a result of Russian aggression in 2022, tens of thousands of Mariupol residents were killed, the city's infrastructure was practically destroyed. In particular, the entire infrastructure of public transport has been destroyed, 90% cannot be restored.

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