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Fake Leopard 2 supplied to Ukraine can deliver nuclear warheads

This message was circulated on social networks and in the Kremlin media. It states that Leopard 2 tanks are capable of transporting and delivering cannons containing so-called “dirty bombs” or nuclear warheads. However, this is a lie.

Analysts of the EU vs Disinfo project investigated this case and found that it was a fake and a conspiracy theory of the pro-Kremlin media. German-made Leopard 2 tanks do not use depleted uranium shells. Yes, pure uranium is a radioactive element, but not depleted. Some countries are armed with tanks with depleted uranium shells.

To put it simply, the projectile “does not emit” radiation and only threatens Russian tankers. The Scientific committee on health and environmental risks of the EU Commission has come to the general conclusion that the impact of depleted uranium radiation is not significant.

According to international agreements, munitions containing this isotope are not considered either nuclear or chemical weapons.

By spreading this message, propagandists are once again trying to promote the message that Western weapons being handed over to Ukraine only exacerbate the situation, and Ukraine is just a testing ground for Western weapons.

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