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Message It makes no sense to negotiate with Ukraine

A similar message was recently heard on a talk show on a Russian propaganda channel. According to the propagandists, Ukraine resembles a “flower jar” to which there is no point in explaining anything at all, and the negotiation agreement is also a useless thing. Like, this is not even a country, but a toy in the hands of Western curators. Moreover, as if it was the West that attacked Russia and that, they say, now ordinary Russians understand who the real enemy is.

In fact, propagandists deliberately distort reality. It was Russia that attacked Ukraine, which has been pursuing an aggressive policy towards neighboring countries and their partners for at least several decades. Russia also distorts history and actively uses it even in cases like this one. In addition, Russia creates the appearance that there is no point in negotiating with Ukraine, because it is allegedly the Ukrainian government that does not want this.

Thus, Russia nourishes two big narratives at once. The first of these is the “Western governance” narrative. Like, there is no point in negotiating with Ukraine, because all Western curators decide for it. The second narrative is that the aggressor is actually not Russia, but Ukraine, with which there is no point in negotiating, because it is the Ukrainian authorities that allegedly are not interested in a peaceful settlement of the war. However, in reality, Ukraine is not ready for negotiations on Russian terms, which include the annexation of Ukrainian territory.

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