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Message “Glory to Ukraine!” is “Bandera slogan” and “Nazi chant”

This thesis was circulated on social networks, in particular on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that the slogan “Glory to Ukraine!” is Nazi, and Ukrainians use it, glorifying “Nazism” in this way. This was stated by Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mariia Zakharova in response to a meeting between Volodymyr Zelenskyi and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on May 15. During the briefing, the chancellor shouted “Glory to Ukraine!”.

Specialists of the StopFake project worked on the case, explaining that the slogan “Glory to Ukraine!” is not a “Nazi slogan”. Historians have recorded the use of the congratulations “Glory to Ukraine!” by the Ukrainian national movement at least since the end of the 19th century. In addition, they began to massively use “Glory to Ukraine!” during the Ukrainian revolution in the period 1917-1921. Subsequently, this congratulation was introduced in the UNR Army. And at the Second grand meeting of the OUN (under the leadership of Stepan Bandera) in 1941, a resolution was approved in which the obligatory answer was added to the greeting “Glory to Ukraine”: “Glory to heroes!”. This formula is still in use today. Since 2018, the slogan has also been used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Police of Ukraine. That is, the slogan has nothing to do with so-called Nazism. Moreover, the slogan existed long before the creation of the OUN.

By spreading this fake, the propagandists once again speculate on the topic of Ukrainian nationalism and distort it into “Nazism”. It seems that being a Ukrainian is already a reason to receive accusations of Nazism from the Russians. Recently, we refuted a similar case, which said that Zelenskyi allegedly put on a jumper with an embroidered coat of arms of the OUN, although it was the Ukrainian coat of arms.

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