Manipulation Ukrainians and Poles will unite in “Ukropol”, former adviser to the President of Poland, Jakub Kumoch, said
Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that a former adviser to the President of Poland, Jakub Kumoch, announced the future formation of “Ukropol” - a territorial union of Ukraine and Poland. Like, soon there will be no separate countries Ukraine and Poland. The authors attach a video of the official. This is manipulation.
The fact-checkers of the Polish project Demagog investigated this case and found that the Polish politician in the video did not talk about any formation of “Ukropol”. In the video, he talks about the need to intensify military, economic and scientific cooperation between Poland and Ukraine. He says that the purpose of his words is a joint opposition to Russia's imperial desires. At the same time, the propagandists simply distorted the context of the video and started talking about Ukraine's accession to Poland, although it was about cooperation between the two sister countries.
Propagandists spread this manipulation to distort reality, talking about the so-called annexation of Ukraine to Poland. The supposedly sovereign state of Ukraine will soon cease to exist.