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Fake Germans will pay 5% of wages in favor of Ukraine

Tiktok is circulating news which says that the Bundestag allegedly introduces a “solidarity tax”, which will be automatically calculated from wages to help Ukrainians. Like, such a decision was made due to the fact that Germany should support Ukraine with 500 million dollars a month. It is not true.

According to the fact checker of the Correctiv project, the video was published on Tiktok on October 31, it gained more than 815,000 views and 2,100 comments. Its primary source is a satirical account. However, in further shares, users often did not tag the video as satirical, so it received a lot of negative comments.

Fact checkers received a comment from the Federal Government in which the authorities denied the imposition of an additional tax. The government did discuss certain changes in taxation, but it was about existing taxes, and not about introducing new ones.

У такий спосіб проросійські користувачі намагаються нашкодити партнерським стосункам України та Німеччини, а також налаштувати німців проти допомоги Україні.

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