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Disclosure Fraudsters lure to access to bank accounts, offering "state aid" up to 90 thousand hryvnias

Another fraudulent scheme, which is spreading in social networks and plays on people's difficult circumstances and the need for money, is revealed by the Nota Enota project. Fraudsters report that according to the adopted law, Ukrainians can get back VAT for three years, which can reach up to 90 thousand hryvnias of assistance. The condition is that the bank card must be checked. "After users click on the link, they are directed to a site where they enter their details and their payment card details. Accordingly, fraudsters gain access to accounts and steal people's money. In addition, people themselves give all the necessary information, thinking that they are filling out a form to receive funds," the post reads. "The Raccoon's Note" warns: that there is no such law; VAT is not refundable to individuals. In addition, information is distributed by a page called "Help Fund", which does not have a bluebird (check mark), which means it is not verified. The "round" number of 90,000 hryvnias was used to attract attention. In addition, fraudsters contradict themselves: they write either "law" or "decision". You can find out about real help and fill out an application on the E-support website. Information about assistance from international organizations is available on the website of the Ministry of Social Policy. 

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