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Fake Due to the distribution of weapons to the population, the level of crime in Ukraine increased by 270%

Russian propaganda spreads information that, allegedly, because weapons were distributed to the population in the first months of the war, the level of crime, especially serious crimes - robberies and murders - has dropped unprecedentedly. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, in six months the overall level of crime in Ukraine decreased by 25% compared to last year. Serious and especially serious crimes remained almost at the same level as in 2021, writes StopFake. The number of apartment thefts, robberies, and robberies decreased. This is confirmed by the statistics of the Prosecutor General's Office. The decrease in the level of general crime in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is explained by the mass migration of people within the country and abroad, the introduction of a curfew, and the coordination of the work of law enforcement officers and territorial defense. At the same time, the Ministry of Internal Affairs noted that the level of crime has increased in the territories with active hostilities. In addition, the number of crimes related to illegal trafficking of weapons and crimes committed with the use of weapons increased. 

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