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Fake Charlie Hebdo’s cover: Volodymyr Zelenskyi the dog eating something brown from a bowl

The cover of a cartoon magazine, in which French President Emmanuel Macron allegedly disperses protesters with water, and they swim with pleasure, were used by anonymous telegram channels for manipulation. They say that supposedly the Western authorities are driving people into antisocial conditions, so discontent will quickly develop into protests. Also, allegedly abroad, Zelenskyi is perceived as a dog, which is used to cover up his crimes. However, no such cover exists.

The fake issue is dated August 29, but there is no such magazine on the website in the Charlie Hebdo archive. There is no such illustration in the drawing section. It is not known who the author of this cartoon is, but it has nothing to do with Charlie Hebdo magazine.

This is not the first time propagandists have used a fake cover. Previously, a fake cover was distributed in which the UK “spits out” Borys Johnson, and Volodymyr Zelenskyi in the form of a dog with the torn off arm of the “Azov” defender.

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