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Fake American scientists worked on the COVID-19 virus in Ukraine

Russian media and users of social networks write about this. It seems that former US chief epidemiologist Anthony Fauci admitted this in an interview with Fox News. Allegedly, when asked about special laboratories in Ukraine, Faucher said that “experiments that were very necessary in the interests of US national security were carried out there.” Like, these experiments are extremely dangerous, and it is forbidden by law to conduct them on the territory of the States, and the Ukrainians were paid “good money”, so they were satisfied. Also, the US allegedly opened several laboratories even in China, in Wuhan, in particular. Allegedly, the Chinese were aware of only some relatively safe jobs, and the Ukrainians “did not have an idea about most of the experiments”. It is not true.

Anthony Fauci never said that American scientists were working on the COVID-19 virus in China and Ukraine. According to StopFake, the quote is made up and is not found in any reliable source of information. Moreover, statements about the presence of American biological laboratories in Ukraine are also erroneous. Ukrainian laboratories are financed from the state budget and are subordinate to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

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