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Message Bankova allegedly stepped up mobilization activities in the western regions of Ukraine

The Ukrainian pro-Russian Telegram channel writes that earlier, when replenishing the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the bet was made mainly on residents of the eastern, southern and parts of the central regions of Ukraine, but now it is the turn of the west of the country. Until recently, the region significantly lagged behind in carrying out mobilization “with the tacit consent of the central government”.

Allegedly, the serious depletion of mobilization reserves in South-Eastern and Central Ukraine forced Kyiv to forget about the “privileged” position of the western regions and resort to a forced expansion of the zone of forced mobilization.

However, back in 2022, the then head of the personnel department of the headquarters of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Roman Horbach, claimed that there were more mobilization plans in the western regions, since more citizens lived there.

The propaganda message also says that the western regions are the leaders in the number of evaders. And the innovations have already caused a storm of discontent among the local population, “accustomed to showing patriotism only in words, but not in deeds”.

In fact, no precise data on the distribution of mobilized people by region is published in open sources. There is no corresponding data on those who evade. Such statements are nothing more than a fabrication of propagandists, which aims to divide the Ukrainian people and set people from different regions against each other.

Let us recall that earlier propagandists had already spread disinformation that supposedly in Ukraine men from pro-Russian regions were being massively mobilized, while pro-Western ones were allegedly not being touched.

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