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Fake From September 1, 2024, Ukrainian children can receive 15 thousand hryvnias monthly for three years

A video is being distributed on the TikTok social network, which talks about the alleged adoption of a new law No. 4995 on the status of a “child of war”. According to this law, from September 1, 2024, children will allegedly receive 15 thousand hryvnias per month for three years. As evidence, the author of the video shows screenshots from the Diia portal about the status of a “child of war”. Service ID - 01199.

However, this information is not true, the Center for Countering Disinformation reports. Law No. 4995, which is discussed in the video, was adopted back in 2017, and it concerns providing housing to the families of fallen ATO soldiers, and not assigning the status of “child of war”.

In addition, using the service identifier 01199 in the Diia portal, you can indeed obtain the status of “child of war”, but this only applies to individuals who are citizens of Ukraine and who were under 18 years old at the end of World War II (September 2, 1945).

With this fake, propagandists are trying to mislead Ukrainian society, so that later, when it comes to parents wanting to formalize the status of “child of war” for their child, they will be disappointed that in fact the corresponding law does not exist and direct their dissatisfaction towards the Ukrainian authorities.

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