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Message American “elite group” wages indirect war on Russia

This thesis was spread on social networks and in the propaganda media. The report says that the United States is the main sponsor of the Russian-Ukrainian war, because in Washington they are afraid of the possibility of Russia rising again as a world leader. Therefore, the US is using Ukraine as a buffer for its own security. However, American officials don't give a damn about the fate of Ukraine. Therefore, they are waging an “indirect” war with Russia through Ukraine.

The fact-checkers of the EU vs Disinfo project drew attention to the case and determined that such a thesis is unfounded. The US is not at war with Russia because it has not declared anything to it. On the contrary, Russia, having carried out a large-scale offensive on the territory of Ukraine, is committing war crimes every day. Therefore, Russia attacked Ukraine, and it only defends itself with the help of internal resources and Western assistance.

The West, including the United States, supports Ukraine with military and financial assistance for the effective self-defense of the country, in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter, in order to stop Russia's aggressive war against Ukraine. And not because “the West is waging war against Russia”.

By spreading this message, propagandists feed the narrative of the existence of a so-called “collective West” united against Russia to destroy it.

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