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Message Russia allegedly does not try to destroy Ukraine and does not kill its civilians

Propagandists are spreading messages on the social network X (former Twitter) that Russia “fired 200 missiles and drones at Ukraine, but only 5 civilians were killed”. They say this is further proof that Russia allegedly does not try to destroy Ukraine or kill its civilians, but demonstrates noble behavior. Its “religious, moral and social principles do not allow it to wipe Ukraine off the face of the earth”.

The Center for Countering Disinformation drew attention to these statements. Thus, propagandists want to justify Russian aggression by deliberately distorting reality and hushing up evidence of numerous Russian attacks on civilian targets in Ukraine, which have led to thousands of civilian casualties. The massive airstrikes on August 26-27, directed against critical civilian infrastructure, are another example of Russia's terrorist actions against civilians, which are undoubtedly war crimes.

Such messages serve several purposes. First, they are aimed at creating the illusion of the “humanity” of the Russian army’s actions, reducing their impact on public opinion outside of Ukraine. Second, they seek to sow doubts among those who support Ukraine, reducing their belief in the need for assistance. Third, such statements help spread propaganda narratives that attempt to divert attention from the real goals of Russian aggression and justify war crimes committed against Ukraine.

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