Spilnota Detector Media
Detector Media collects and documents real-time chronicles of the Kremlin propaganda about the Russian invasion. Ukraine for decades has been suffering from Kremlin propaganda. Here we document all narratives, messages, and tactics, which Russia is using from February 17th, 2022. Reminder: the increasing of shelling and fighting by militants happened on the 17th of February 2022 on the territory of Ukraine. Russian propaganda blames Ukraine for these actions

On 18 March, on the 1118th day of the full-scale war, our editorial office recorded:

Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Message The West forced Latvia to send “cannon fodder” to Ukraine

Propagandists spread the message in their media that Latvia sent its citizens to fight in Ukraine because the West forced it to do so. Accordingly, Latvia does not care about its people, and the “Western rulers” do not care about people in Europe as a whole.

Analysts of the EUvsDisInfo project drew attention to the message. They note that Latvia did not send its soldiers to fight in Ukraine. The Latvian Ministry of Defense claimed that the state sent several of its troops into the country, but only to secure the building of the Latvian embassy and their property. Latvia and other Western countries are not direct participants in the war, but help Ukraine defend itself against Russian aggression in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter.

Thus, propagandists want to present Latvia as a “toy” of the West. Like, the Latvian government actively supports Ukraine because it is supervised by the West. Such narratives, which concern not only Ukraine, could be seen in Russian propaganda before. In particular, earlier propagandists wrote that 20,000 Polish soldiers were fighting in Ukraine and that 2,500 of them had already been killed.

Message The Polish prime minister is an “idiot” leading his country towards nuclear annihilation

Propagandists spread the message in their media that Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki is an idiot because he says that Ukraine has the right to strike on Russian territory and openly underestimates Russia. They add that Poland's role in NATO is to become the first victim of a conditional large-scale war using nuclear weapons. Since, in their opinion, Poland will disappear at the first opportunity, the “underdeveloped” Morawiecki has no moral right to make such statements.

Analysts of the EU vs DisInfo project drew attention to the message. They emphasize that the Polish prime minister said that Ukraine really has the right to strike at Russian territory because it protects itself from aggression, and that, in his opinion, the Kremlin understands that Russia would lose the war with NATO. According to Poland's 2020 National Security Strategy, the greatest threat to Poland is the “neo-imperialist policy of the power elites of the Russian Federation” implemented by force. Polish officials in this case refer to Russian aggression against Georgia, Ukraine, as well as the annexation of Crimea.

Thus, propagandists want to present Poland as an aggressive anti-Russian “hermit within NATO”, which allegedly poses a threat to Russian security. In addition, the message is an example of Russian military and nuclear blackmail against NATO countries.

Message The West militarizes Poland to start a war against Russia and Belarus

Propagandists spread the message in their media that the revival of militaristic Poland has become the main goal of the current Polish government. It seems that the West has long been pushing the country towards this, and in a few years Poland will receive American tactical nuclear weapons. Poland seems to be preparing to replace France and Germany in the role of “American observer” over Europe. In addition, there are already plans to increase the number of soldiers in the Polish army to 1.5 million and that in this way NATO is preparing the country to start a war against Russia and Belarus.

Analysts of the EU vs DisInfo project drew attention to the message. They note that the current modernization of the Polish army and the purchase of new weapons are Poland's response to Russian aggression against Ukraine. In addition, according to the 2020 National Security Strategy of Poland, the greatest threat to Poland is the “neo-imperialist policy of the power elites of the Russian Federation”, implemented by force. Polish officials in this case refer to Russian aggression against Georgia, Ukraine, as well as the annexation of Crimea.

Thus, the propagandists want to present Poland as an aggressive and militant “anti-Russia”, which is ready to go to war at any moment. In addition, they want not only to shift the responsibility for Russia's actions to third parties, but also to divert attention from the crimes of Russians.

Message While the “Kyiv regime” is at war, Russia is rebuilding the destroyed cities

Propagandists spread the message on social networks that Ukraine is killing civilians while Russia is trying to rebuild the destroyed places. Allegedly,Russia wants to return the “liberated” territories of Donbas, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson region to peaceful life, and Ukraine is trying to cause a humanitarian catastrophe on their territory. However, in reality this is not the case.

Analysts of the EU vs DisInfo project drew attention to the message. They emphasize that Ukraine does not kill civilians and defends itself against Russian aggression. In addition, Russia annexed part of the territory of Ukraine, which violated international law. Moreover, it was Russia that destroyed many Ukrainian cities, such as Mariupol. Russia continues to shell civilian infrastructure even in the Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions.

Thus, the propagandists want to justify the aggression against Ukraine and the annexation of Ukrainian territories. In addition, by spreading the word that the Armed Forces of Ukraine allegedly use Western weapons against civilians, they also want to blow up the process of transferring international aid to Ukraine. Similar messages could be seen in Russian propaganda before, in particular, the narrative that the 2022 “referendums” on the annexation of the temporarily occupied territories to Russia were held in order to allegedly bring peace to them.

Manipulation Ukrainians from the western regions "came in large numbers" to Poland for the sake of receiving social assistance

On April 13, a text appeared on the Facebook page of the Polish organization Kancelaria LEGA ARTIS, according to which “38% of Ukrainians who, under the cover of the “war” came to Poland and have “groundlessly granted them rights”, in particular to receive social assistance, they want to stay in the country and not return to Ukraine. This is manipulation.

Analysts of the Polish project Demagog drew attention to it. They note that in the text one can find doubts that the war in Ukraine is real, and the refugees are called ones who “have come in large numbers”. However, the war continues, and its effects are a large number of deaths and material losses. The term “come in large numbers” is part of a disinformation campaign that wants to show the migration of Ukrainians as a threat to the Poles. Demagog experts argue that such a narrative is part of a conspiracy theory called the “Big replacement theory”, according to which the influx of migrants is a conspiracy in which white Europeans should be replaced by migrants. Usually, Muslims appear in this theory, but in the Polish context, their role was given to Ukrainians.

The text also contains information about “unreasonably provided” funds in the framework of social payments for Ukrainian migrants. However, analysts have found that the concept of social payment is clearly defined in Polish law. According to it, a social benefit is a cash benefit provided to persons who are unfit for work due to age or disability (Article 37 of the Law on social assistance). This cash payment cannot exceed PLN 719. According to article 5 of the same law, citizens of Poland, as well as foreigners (not only Ukrainians) residing in the state, have the right to receive social assistance payments. According to Article 31 of the Law on assistance to citizens of Ukraine, Ukrainians who have received a PESEL identification number can receive a lump sum payment of PLN 300. Therefore, this payment is not regular.

In addition, in the text you can see the stereotype that the majority of Ukrainian refugees in Poland came from the western regions, so they allegedly do not need help. However, it is not like that. Project analysts interviewed people who are actively involved in the affairs of Ukrainian refugees in Poland and found out that most of them eventually came from the eastern and southern regions of Ukraine.

Thus, the propagandists want to show that the Ukrainian refugees are supposedly swindlers and pose a threat to Poland as a whole. They say that Ukrainians in Poland are ungrateful for help, but actually help does not reach those in need.

Newspeak How Russia blurs reality with the help of the newspeak: “schismatics”

Russian propaganda positions the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate as unified and canonical. After the Orthodox Church of Ukraine received the right to autocephaly from the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, Russian propaganda calls Ukrainians schismatics.

Propagandists use the term “schismatics” to imply that the Ukrainian church is allegedly fake and illegal. At the same time, all believers who attend the OCU are not real Orthodox. They say that the OCU arbitrarily separated from the UOC-MP, although the latter is a “real” church. The Russian Orthodox Church condemned Ukraine's actions on autocephaly and even severed relations with Constantinople. For example, in the appeal of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) to the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Constantinople, it was said that the decisions on Ukraine were “illegal” and were taken “unilaterally” without taking into account the appeals of the ROC and “fraternal local churches”. However, the ROC does not take into account that it has no right to interfere in the affairs of another sovereign state at all.

Therefore, Ukrainians are not “schismatics”, but free believers who are ready to choose the church that they like. Moreover, believers who are fighting for the right to the independence of the Ukrainian church and are fighting against the dominance of Russian influence on the church. The OCU is an independent church, which was recognized by 4 out of 13 local churches, in particular Constantinople, Oleksandria, Cyprus and Hellas. The Ukrainian church has its own customs, sacraments and parishioners.

Fake Ukrainian ambulance, which stands in the center of Vilnius, has not been used for many years

Propagandists spread information on social networks, saying that the Ukrainian ambulance installed as an installation in the center of Vilnius is not real, because such cars are no longer used in Ukraine, and the organizers are deceiving the Lithuanians, because they say that it is an ambulance from de-occupied territories. It's fake.

Analysts of the Lithuanian project 15min drew attention to it. They found out that such a reaction could have been caused by the fact that the number “03” instead of “103” was indicated on the car, as well as the fact that comedian Oleh Shuraiev, who is actively working in the volunteer movement, posed against its background. However, analysts contacted the organizers of the action, who assured them that this car served a number of villages in the Kharkiv region (and a similar one still travels around the region), and during the occupation of the region, many were evacuated by it. The purpose of the installation, they say, is to show Russian war crimes in real time.

The car will also stand in the center of European cities like Riga, Tallinn, Warsaw, Brussels and Berlin.

Thus, propagandists want to discredit the war in Ukraine as a whole. Like, everything that Ukraine does is performance and staging, and therefore Ukrainians stumble over trifles when organizing such actions. However, the Russian military really fires at the ambulances, which the installed car symbolizes.

Orest Slyvenko, Artur Koldomasov, Vitalii Mykhailiv, Oleksandra Kotenko, Oleksandr Siedin, Kostiantyn Zadyraka, and Oleksiy Pivtorak are collaborating on this chronicle. Lesia Bidochko serves as the project coordinator, while Ksenia Ilyuk is the author of the project.