Новомова How Russia distorts reality through Newspeak: ‘Budapeshtyky’
Russian propaganda has coined the term ‘Budapeshtyky’ to refer to the security agreements Ukraine signed with partner states throughout 2024. By January 2025, Ukraine had concluded 27 such bilateral agreements. Propagandists attempt to diminish these agreements, claiming that ‘Budapeshtyky’ is a term widely used by the public, though, in reality, it is a neologism they themselves created.
In Russia, this term is linked to the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, which ultimately proved ineffective. Russia violated the memorandum by invading Ukraine, while the ‘security assurances’ of other signatories, the United States and the United Kingdom, were only partially implemented. Using this reference, Russian propaganda dismisses Ukraine's new security agreements as legally non-binding and merely symbolic gestures of support.
However, this portrayal is misleading. For instance, Rishi Sunak, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, explained the significance of the first security agreement Ukraine signed with the UK on January 12, 2024:
“If Russia attacks again, we will provide the necessary support Ukraine needs - swift and reliable security assistance, modern weapons for defense on land, sea, and air, economic support, and sanctions that impose costs on Russia. This is a clear and significant commitment”.
Each of these agreements is unique, reflecting the history of Ukraine’s security cooperation with the respective partner state and tailored to the financial and technical capabilities of the signatory. Together, they complement one another, creating a framework of collective support. It is important to note that the agreements are not security guarantees but rather frameworks for long-term cooperation and assistance in the security sector. These agreements serve as a temporary alternative to NATO membership.
Ukraine's official stance is that full NATO membership is the only true guarantee of its security and a deterrent against further Russian aggression toward Ukraine and other states.
Nevertheless, Russian propagandists insist that ‘Budapeshtyky’ are merely a publicity stunt by President Zelenskyi and ‘not serious’ agreements. This narrative aims to undermine Ukrainian trust in their government and discredit the support Ukraine receives from its international partners.