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Новомова How Russia blurs reality with a newspeak: “terrorist act”

As of now, the international definition of a terrorist act includes actions that are criminal in nature and are committed under the influence or with the support of a terrorist group or state. Since Russia is officially recognized by some states as a terrorist state, its crimes against civilians in the framework of the war against Ukraine can be classified as terrorist attacks.

Propagandists refer to terrorist attacks as crimes in which the involvement of terrorist groups has not yet been clarified or confirmed. In fact, they call a terrorist attack by all means, which goes against the actions or statements of the Russian government. For example, in the Russian media, the murder of Dariia Duhina, the explosions on the Crimean bridge and the incident with Nord Stream 2 were called terrorist attacks.

Thus, Russian propaganda wants to make these events more dramatic and use them as an excuse to escalate the conflict. Moreover, often this happens not as a statement of fact, but as a call for this escalation. Like, it justifies the actions of Russia.

However, the most negative consequence of such abuse is that it devalues the notion of a terrorist attack and the tragedy of its victims and their families. On an international scale, terrorist attacks are crimes that have caused fear in a large number of calm and safe places, and the fight against terrorism is an urgent problem. However, by calling everything a terrorist attack, Russia distracts the world community from real problems.

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