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Новомова How Russia blurs reality with a newspeak: “partial mobilization”

Russia needs a human resource to wage war against Ukraine. The participation of private military companies alone is not enough for this, especially against the backdrop of failures at the front. That is why Russia announced mobilization.

However, even the propagandists who publicly support and nourish the topic of war opposed full mobilization. To soften the image of this process in the information space, it is called partial. Like, not everyone is conscripted, but only the most sophisticated professionals.

However, practice shows that it is not partial. In particular, the decree of Russian President Volodymyr Putin is as vague as possible and does not clearly define the boundaries of who actually falls under mobilization and who does not. Moreover, regional military commissariats often do not adhere to the same decree and send everyone to war.

Even among propagandists, the decision to mobilize is considered ambiguous: some support it, others write that this is a sign of failure and assimilation to Ukraine. The authors of the decision were well aware of the likelihood of such a reaction, for which the term was created. Like, they respond to a small crisis with partial measures.

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