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Конспірологічні теорії How conspiracy theorists explain events in Ukraine and the world: QAnon

As we noted in the previous text of the section, conspiracy theories gained more importance and influence on politics during the presidential term of Donald Trump. It was he who repeatedly publicly supported all sorts of conspiracy theories and used the platforms of conspiracy theorists for his election campaigns. As a result, Russian propagandists have become more active in spreading conspiracy theories, using Trump's statements as false verification. The most powerful of these platforms is the conspiracy theory system called QAnon.

The political movement and conspiracy theory system QAnon emerged in 2017. Its name is associated with the history of origin. On the 4chan imageboard, a user named Q posted a series of messages in which he claimed to have access to classified information about Donald Trump's work as president. Subsequently, the user completely switched to 8chan, where the theory gained the most distribution.

The core message of the QAnon movement is that “a cabal of satanists, cannibals and pedophiles” is running “the global child trafficking market”. QAnon is a movement because it combines a number of different theories. In particular, in this case we are talking about the theory of “pizzagate” (democrats rape children in restaurants), but QAnon adds to it the image of Trump as a fighter against this phenomenon.

Supporters of the movement believe that the 45th president personally arrested members of the “cabal”, among whom allegedly were US Democratic Party politicians, business representatives and even medical specialists. Recalling the theory of “Ukrainian interference” in the 2016 US presidential election, QAnon promotes the idea that Donald Trump allegedly deliberately approved the version of the Russian origin of this interference and turned a blind eye to Ukrainian interference. All to engage Special Investigative Counsel Robert Mueller to expose the “child trafficking market” and prevent the “military coup” allegedly planned by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and George Soros.

QAnon is also considered an anti-Semitic movement due to its fixation on Soros and the Rothschild family. The movement gained momentum during the coronavirus pandemic as its supporters around the world protested most vigorously against vaccinations and quarantines. However, the attempt to forcibly capture the American Capitol on January 6, 2021 is considered the peak of QAnon. After it, large Internet platforms began to massively block accounts associated with the movement, because through them events were broadcast or calls to join illegal actions were broadcast.

Even so, the movement remains globally active and does not stop trying to explain Russia's war against Ukraine in its own way. In particular, QAnon representatives consider Russian aggression part of a global conspiracy to expand “the market for children and American weapons”. In addition, in these discussions, Ukraine plays the role of a rather lost sister - QAnon considers Russia's claims about the “danger” of Ukraine's membership in NATO to be fully justified and support the version that Ukraine provoked a war. Such messages can be seen, for example, at regular rallies for neutrality in Vienna, where supporters of the movement oppose both child trafficking and vaccination. At the same time, Ukraine is accused of playing along with the “pedophile satanic bondage”.

Russian propagandists actively use the property of QAnon. In particular, they duplicate the narratives of the movement and distort them for themselves depending on the situation. Like, for example, with a fake about a documentary about child trafficking in Ukraine, which Mel Gibson allegedly agreed to film. This was especially relevant in connection with the arrest of Donald Trump - anonymous pro-Russian telegram channels have already begun to complain about the American judicial system. Like, this is how pedophile democrats destroy political competitors. At the same time, they add stamps of movement on Trump's face. Despite the fact that all theses have been repeatedly refuted, this does not interfere with QAnon.

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