Spilnota Detector Media

Fake All recordings of conversations between Russian soldiers and their relatives that were rehashed by the SBU are a ruling.

The Russian propaganda has been spreading this thesis since the Security Service of Ukraine started to publish re-recorded conversations with relatives and friends. On September 12, the SBU released the first recording of a conversation between a Russian soldier and his girlfriend, in which she said to him: "You go ahead and rape Ukrainian women, do not tell me anything". Radio Liberty journalists were able to identify the soldier and his girlfriend. They are Roman and Olga Bikovski, they are from Oryol region, but they have been living in the occupied Crimea for the last few years. Journalists called their friends to get samples of their voices - they are the same as in the "tapes". Read the investigation here.

In early March 2022, the British company ShadowBreak Intl announced that they obtained access to a large amount of data on the radio communications of the Russian troops fighting against Ukraine. At the same time, the company said that the Russian troops often use mobile phones, and their communications are not encrypted, so a lot of conversations can be overheard.

Disclosure The enemy's special services are implementing a plan to carry out terrorist attacks to fuel anti-Ukrainian hysteria in Russia.

In particular, Russian propaganda media reported on the shelling by Ukraine of a border guard unit in Kursk Region, bordering Sumy Region. According to the Center for Countering Disinformation, as of April 14, there had already been several "terrorist attacks" on the Russian border, which the Russian leadership accuses of being carried out by Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups. In addition to the "terrorist attack" in Kursk Region, the Russian Federal Security Service reported that on April 14, a border checkpoint in Bryansk Region was shelled from Ukraine, which damaged two vehicles, but no one was injured. The so-called terrorist attacks from Ukraine as a method of provocation were reported the other day by the Center for Counteracting Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. According to the Center, the enemy will carry out a series of terrorist acts at the Russian border consolidation of Russians against Ukrainians.

Fake The AFU was replacing the chlorine tanks in the Bilohorivka water supply system.

Information about this is spread in social networks and Russian propaganda media. Such reports refer to the data of the Russian Ministry of Defense. It is reported that the Armed Forces of Ukraine allegedly "were replacing the chlorine tanks at the water supply plant" which are planned to explode "when the occupation troops approach the village of Bilohorivka, Luhansk Region. However, this is a fake. In fact, the threat of chemical attacks exists not from the AFU, but from the Russian army. Therefore, in order to avoid a potentially dangerous situation, the specialists of the utility enterprise "Popasnyansk district vodokanal" no longer have stocks of chlorine To disinfect water in the area during military operations use another substance - safe under the threat of explosion. local vodokanal, on the possibility of provocation by Russian occupants. At present, the reagent is stored in Dnipro. As already reported by the "Detector Media", three days ago there was information that the enemy is preparing information provocations on the so-called chemical crimes of the Ukrainian army. In particular, then it was also reported about a possible provocation about the settlement of Bilohorivka.

Disclosure Russia plans terrorist attacks in Russian cities in order to justify the mobilization.

The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry said that the Russian special services plan a series of terrorist attacks by bombing residential buildings, hospitals and schools in Russian cities, as well as missile and bomb attacks on Bilhorod or one of the cities of occupied Crimea. Russia plans to blame the Ukrainian Armed Forces and volunteer battalions for this. "It is entirely possible that these terrorist attacks will be presented as a revenge of the Ukrainians for Bucha and Kramatorsk and as an excuse for brutality against the Ukrainian civilian population", - told the CID and specified that these attacks will also be carried out mobilization. In the Center for counteraction to disinformation added that it is confirmed by fake videos with reading out the order of Volodymyr Zelenskyy about the attacks on the territory of Russia.

Disclosure In occupied Energodar, the Russian military launched its own radio station, which broadcasts pro-Kremlin disinformation and propaganda.

According to the Zaporizhzhya regional military administration, in Energodar, the enemy managed to create a radio station "Radio Russia", on the waves of which they spread false and disfigured information, hostile propaganda and spinning songs that sing Putin and the greatness of Russia. "In addition, the Kafirs, with a propaganda purpose, distribute photos of themselves distributing allegedly humanitarian aid from Russia to the city's pensioners. Judging by the photo, only four people received food. At the same time, enemies seek out and kidnap men of the Vasilyevsky district, accusing them of far-fetched accusations of murder and terrorism," reads the report. We should remind you that we should not trust Russian propaganda, because from such media as the radio in Energodar, only information that benefits the enemy directly will be disseminated.

Disclosure Hackers attack computers with emails with the subject line "№1275 of 07.04.2022".

According to the Ukrainian government emergency response team CERT-UA, acting under the State Service of Special Communication and Information Security, hacker group Armageddon attacks state agencies of Ukraine with dangerous e-mails with the subject line "¹ 1275 of 07.04.2022". The emails contain an HTML file, which, when opened, creates an archive on the computer with a file called "On the facts of persecution and murder of Prosecutor's Office employees by the Russian military in the temporarily occupied territories.lnk". If opened, hackers can gain full control over the computer and steal confidential information or damage data and computer systems. Read more.

Fake The Ukrainian authorities are not interested in saving the lives of the Mariupol defenders.

The Russian Defense Ministry and Russian propagandists spread this message, announcing their plans to "clean up the city". In fact, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Ukraine is ready to evacuate the wounded and dead from Mariupol, and Turkey can also provide ships for evacuation of the inhabitants of the city by sea. However, Russia has not yet given its consent. "It is impossible to reach Mariupol. And they [representatives of Turkey] can go from Berdyansk, and you understand that it is still necessary to get to Berdyansk. In other words, we have all the infrastructure ready to transport the wounded and killed, and we are waiting for Putin's agreement. I talked to Erdogan, and Erdogan talks to him and now it's up to him [Putin] to make this happen," Zelenskyy said. In addition, the Ukrainian Security Service reported that the Russian occupants are preparing a large-scale provocation in Mariupol, in order to blame Ukraine for the alleged murder of civilians. According to the SBU, the occupants are preparing a large-scale fabrication: they plan to collect in one place the bodies of the Mariupol residents killed by the Russians themselves, and present them as "mass victims of the Ukrainian troops".

Disclosure Photos of children from Mykolaiv who died as a result of enemy shelling are circulated online, passing them off as victims of the Russian military in Bucha.

A photo of the murdered children is floating around the net, with a caption claiming that they were raped and killed by the Russian military in Bucha. Although the photo is real, the caption is a fake. Texty.org.ua drew attention to it.

The photo shows Ukrainian children killed because of the actions of the Russian army. However, these are not children from Bucha, but from Mykolaiv, who died from shelling back in early March. This photo was published in an article by the Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta on March 12. The photo was signed as follows: "Three-year-old Arina Butim lies on the body of her seventeen-year-old sister Veronika Biryukova. In the cold rooms of the Mykolaiv regional forensic medical examiner's office, the bodies lie in several layers. Two sheds were also vacated for the storage of bodies, some of the bodies are lying outside.

Interestingly, the telegram channel NEXTA, which has two million subscribers, accused the Ukrainian media of spreading a fake. In fact, this fake was spread in the local telegram channels of Irpen, Bucha and Gostomel. However, it was promptly removed from all of them, and one channel gave a refutation. It is likely that the fake that these children were killed in Bucha could have been created by Russian propaganda, so that when the lie with the photo is exposed, Ukrainians can claim to be lying about the crimes of the Russian military on our territory. Even though the photo is real and the children really suffered at the hands of the Russian occupiers, such fakes, like any others spread by Russia, are harmful and do not play in our favor.

The photos and videos from Bucha are a provocation by Ukraine to get help from the West, discredit the Russian army, and derail the peace agreements.

The Russian Defense Ministry, Russian propaganda media, and telegram channels are actively working to justify the situation in Bucha, where at least 400 murdered and tortured residents were found after Russian troops left. Russian propaganda does not have a unified approach for this case, so it spreads completely different messaging and manipulative messages, from versions about staging and fake photos to the version allegedly killed by the Ukrainian military "for the picture" for foreign media. "The Media Detector recorded 18 variations of propaganda messages. Not all of them are related, but all of them are aimed at justifying Russia.

The most popular message promoted by the Russian authorities is a "staging" or "provocation" by the Ukrainian authorities to force the West to give weapons and aircraft, discredit the Russian army, disrupt peace agreements, and incite violence.

Along with this message spread allegedly:

- "not a single civilian was harmed while Russian troops were in town";

- "residents of Bucha were able to leave the city while Russian troops were there";

- "photos of the dead in Bucha were shown only on the fourth day after the Russian troops left";

- "the video from Bucha shows the dead moving their arms and removing their limbs in order to avoid being hit by the wheels of military equipment, and getting up".

Another group of messages is based on a technique that Russia has already tried - shifting responsibility to the Ukrainian defenders. Among other things, they spread the theses that:

- "the residents of Bucha were killed by the local terrorists";

- "the residents of Bucha were killed by artillery fire from the AFU and Azov when they entered the city";

- "there are white bandages on the bodies of the dead - they were used by the Ukrainians";

- "tying hands is the handwriting of the Ukrainian military and terrorists".

Bucha had been under the occupation of the Russian army since the beginning of March, only on April 1 the AFU reported liberation of the city. After Bucha was returned under the control of the AFU, hundreds of dead were found there. These crimes by the Russian military are already referred to as the "Bucha massacre. President Vladimir Zelensky visited Bucha on April 4 and said that Russia committed war crimes and genocide in Ukraine. The European Union accused Russian authorities of committing atrocities.

"Detector Media" urges readers to take care of their mental health and try not to distribute the photos to their acquaintances and loved ones, because the purpose of such activities of the Russians is to terrorize the Ukrainian population. They seek to intimidate and break the spirit to make it harder for Ukrainians to resist.

Fake The Russian military killed Ukrainian sniper Olena Bilozerska.

The Russian media spread a report about the murder of Ukrainian sniper Olena Belozerskaya. A video is added to the reports, showing the body of some woman dressed in civilian clothes. In fact, Olena Bilozerska is alive. "Who died is unknown. It looks like a civilian," Olena Bilozerska wrote on her Facebook.

Manipulation Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba initiated a ban on the use of the letter Z.

Russian media and telegram channels have spread information that Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba is calling on the world to ban the Latin letter Z because it symbolizes Russian war crimes. However, this is not true. Dmytro Kuleba did speak out about the letter Z, but in his tweet he suggested criminalizing the use of the letter Z as a symbol of support for the Russian invasion: "Z symbolizes Russian war crimes, bombed cities, thousands of murdered Ukrainians. Public support for this barbarism should be banned," the minister wrote. As the ZMIST fact checker wrote, no one suggests banning the letter itself, it is a blatant manipulation of Russia, which has the discredit of Ukraine's official representatives.

Fake Russian forces do not shoot at Ukrainian civilians, but help them.

Russian media have spread a statement from Dmitry Peskov, press secretary for the Russian president, that the Russian military is allegedly not shooting at Ukrainian civilians, but helping them. The fake again mentioned "Ukrainian nationalists" who allegedly used civilians as "living shields" and used "testimonies" of Ukrainians that were abducted to Russia. In fact, in 28 days, the Russian occupiers killed 121 children and injured 167 kids. In the last couple of days alone, the Russian military has fired on a peaceful rally in Kherson, destroyed houses in Kamianske, fired on two cars in Mayinivka, launched an air strike on Lozova, and so on. In addition, the Prosecutor General's Office reported for the first time to the Russian military on suspicion of violating the laws or customs of war through the rape of a woman in the Kyiv region. Only under this article, on the violation of the laws and customs of war (Article 438 of the Criminal Code), in 28 days 2336 proceedings were initiated.

Fake Azov is preparing a series of terrorist attacks against diplomats from the United States and other countries in Lviv.

The Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine warned that the Russian Ministry of Defense had spread fake information—that the Azov regiment was preparing a series of terrorist attacks against the U.S. and other diplomatic missions in Lviv to "create levers of influence on NATO countries to close the sky over Ukraine."

Fake The Russian military did not fire on civilians in Chernihiv.

Russia's Defense Ministry has issued a fake statement that the Russian military allegedly did not fire on civilians in Chernihiv. Instead, "Ukrainian nationalists" are again accused of shelling. Another version of this is a "staging of the SBU."

The Chernihiv Oblast Prosecutor's Office said that the Russian military fired firearms at people standing in line for bread, killing 10 people. It happened in one of the sleeping districts of Chernihiv. Law enforcement officers have already launched a pre-trial investigation into the violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with premeditated murder (Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

Fake . Once received the firearms from the government, Ukrainians start looting and killing civilians.

According to StopFake media, there is no evidence of the murder of civilians, as well as looting, performed by the members of Territorial Defense Forces or the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Instead, there exists plenty of documentary evidence of murders of the civilian population, performed by the Russian military during its invasion into Ukraine.

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