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Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Disclosure Photos of children from Mykolaiv who died as a result of enemy shelling are circulated online, passing them off as victims of the Russian military in Bucha.

A photo of the murdered children is floating around the net, with a caption claiming that they were raped and killed by the Russian military in Bucha. Although the photo is real, the caption is a fake. Texty.org.ua drew attention to it.

The photo shows Ukrainian children killed because of the actions of the Russian army. However, these are not children from Bucha, but from Mykolaiv, who died from shelling back in early March. This photo was published in an article by the Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta on March 12. The photo was signed as follows: "Three-year-old Arina Butim lies on the body of her seventeen-year-old sister Veronika Biryukova. In the cold rooms of the Mykolaiv regional forensic medical examiner's office, the bodies lie in several layers. Two sheds were also vacated for the storage of bodies, some of the bodies are lying outside.

Interestingly, the telegram channel NEXTA, which has two million subscribers, accused the Ukrainian media of spreading a fake. In fact, this fake was spread in the local telegram channels of Irpen, Bucha and Gostomel. However, it was promptly removed from all of them, and one channel gave a refutation. It is likely that the fake that these children were killed in Bucha could have been created by Russian propaganda, so that when the lie with the photo is exposed, Ukrainians can claim to be lying about the crimes of the Russian military on our territory. Even though the photo is real and the children really suffered at the hands of the Russian occupiers, such fakes, like any others spread by Russia, are harmful and do not play in our favor.

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