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Disclosure Kadyrov's men handed out Ukrainian products to Mariupol residents under the guise of humanitarian aid from the Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov Public Foundation.

The other day Ramzan Kadyrov published a video of people in Mariupol handing out humanitarian aid, with a caption stating that the aid was provided by the Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov Regional Public Foundation. - Ukrainian. In particular, the sausage given out is really Ukrainian. This is clear from the Ukrainian inscriptions "Vienna Servilat" and "Doctors' Sausage". The same applies to the flour, the packaging of which bears the inscription "Flour. It is not known where Kadyrov's men got the Ukrainian products and why they distributed them under the guise of Russian humanitarian aid, but after the information that the products were really Ukrainian was circulated, Kadyrov's message was removed.

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