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Message Ukrainians are allegedly destroying their own culture

Propagandists claim in their media that Ukrainians are allegedly destroying their own culture, committing “cultural self-genocide”, in addition to attempts to destroy Russian culture. They say that Russian culture in Ukraine is the culture of Ukrainians.

This was noted by specialists from the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security. Such statements are part of the information war waged by Russia, trying to confuse and distort reality. Russian propagandists deliberately use such statements for several purposes.

In this way, the Kremlin tries to justify its actions aimed at destroying Ukrainian culture and identity by distorting the facts and shifting the responsibility to Ukrainians themselves. In this way, they try to portray Ukraine as a self-destructive state. The use of the term “cultural self-genocide” aims to blur the concept of genocide and distract attention from the real crimes of Russia against Ukrainians. Russia seeks to downplay the significance of genocide in order to avoid international responsibility for its actions. Kremlin propagandists also try to create the impression that Ukrainians are solely to blame for their misfortunes in order to undermine the morale of Ukrainians, sow doubts about their own values, and create a sense of hopelessness. In addition, Russia tries to present Ukrainian identity as an artificial product of the Soviet era, allegedly created at the expense of “historical Russia”. This is an attempt to justify the colonial ambitions of modern Russia, which is trying to re-subjugate Ukraine and bring it back under its control.

Therefore, this message is not only far from the truth, but serves as a tool for continuing Russia’s information war against Ukraine and Ukrainians.

Fake In Ukraine, the Russian language is allegedly growing in popularity

Information is being spread on the Internet that, according to some “statistical data”, the popularity of the Russian language is gradually growing in Ukraine. Some users cynically write: such a trend can be explained by the fact that “the number of Nazis has decreased - and nature has begun to clean itself”.

In fact, this information is not true. This is reported in the StopFake project. In their messages, propagandists do not indicate where they got such data, but manipulatively write “according to statistical data”. It was not possible to find any publicly available studies that could confirm this trend.

At the same time, on July 24, 2024, the sociological service of the Razumkov Center published a study “Identity of citizens of Ukraine: tendencies of changes”, which can be used to refute the claim of propagandists. According to the results of the survey, the popularity of the Russian language in Ukraine is not growing, but on the contrary, it is falling. Fewer and fewer Ukrainians believe that speaking Russian is prestigious. If in 2015 there were 21.5% of all respondents, then in 2023 they became 9.4%, and in 2024 this number decreased to 6.1%. At the same time, the prestige of the Ukrainian language began to grow: from 43.2% in 2015 to 75.5% in 2024.

A similar situation is also with the use of the Russian language “not at home”. If in 2015, 12.3% of respondents spoke only Russian, then in 2023 and 2024, this number increased to 3.2% and 3.8%, respectively. It is worth noting that a small growth of 0.6% using only the Russian language between 2023 and 2024 falls within the scope of sociological error, as the authors of the study pointed out. Also, 11.4% used mainly Russian in 2015, but already in 2023 - 4.5%, and in 2024 - 3.8%.

Earlier, we analyzed the manipulation of propagandists, as if the UN recognized the Ukrainian language as a dialect of Russian.

Disclosure Under the pretext of “youth forums”, Russia is brainwashing Ukrainian children in the TOT

The Kremlin continues to pour a lot of resources into propaganda aimed at children in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. Thus, one of the tools for promoting Russian propaganda is the so-called “youth forums”, in which Russians and collaborators try to attract as many young people as possible, promising children great career prospects and obtaining “competencies for self-realization in Russia”. This was reported by the Center for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council.

These days, in the temporarily occupied Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia region, preparations are underway for the second “Young South” forum, where the organizers intend to bring children from all temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. According to the occupiers’ estimates, 800 participants should attend the “forum” in Berdiansk, writes the Center for National Resistance. Russian propagandists from actors, bloggers and other Kremlin figures should also come there.

The real purpose of such measures is:

– ideologically indoctrinate children in the TOT, promoting hatred of Ukraine among them;

– strengthen control over teenagers and young people through a network of youth organizations;

– promote loyalty due to promises of illusory “prospects”;

– strengthen the influence of the occupation administrations on all spheres of life in the TOT.

Russia continues to implement policies aimed at changing the national self-identification of Ukrainian youth. For example, in February 2024, the Russians took Ukrainian children from the TOT of Ukraine to the so-called World Youth Festival, where, in particular, they promoted the idea of joining Russian youth organizations “on a voluntary-compulsory basis”.

Disclosure How Russians erect memorials to “special military operation fighters” in temporarily occupied territories

The Russian occupiers systematically erect memorials to their fallen soldiers in populated areas of the temporarily occupied regions of Ukraine. Such memorials have already appeared in the villages of Rykove, Stavky, Mykhailivka and other places in the Kherson region. Specialists from the Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council drew attention to this.

Usually these are plates with the names of the occupiers, stylized as Soviet monuments of the Second World War. Sometimes old Soviet monuments are repurposed as these war memorials. The opening of such facilities is accompanied by propaganda campaigns with the participation of officials of the occupation administrations and relatives of the victims.

The main goal of these actions is to reinforce the message “Russia is here forever” and try to legitimize the occupation. Propagandists strive to create the impression that “the land watered with Russian blood” supposedly belongs to Russia, thereby sacralizing the Russian presence. In addition, such actions are aimed at increasing the morale of Russian troops and the population, showing the “heroism” of the dead occupiers, as well as an attempt to impose on the local population the opinion of the inevitability and duration of the occupation.

Fake Police in Poltava allegedly developed a sample “statement” apologizing for listening to Russian music

Russian propaganda telegram channels are spreading information that Poltava police have allegedly created a sample statement of apology for citizens listening to Russian music. In particular, it says the following: “I sincerely apologize to the citizens of Ukraine for listening to a Russian song. I condemn Russian aggression and am ready to be punished to the fullest extent of the law”. Propagandists add a photo of the corresponding “statement” as proof.

However, this is a primitive fake. The main department of the National Police in the Poltava region denied this news. This is reported by VoxCheck. In addition, a reverse photo search on Google showed that images with the “statement” are mostly distributed by Russian publications and telegram channels. Also in the text of the forgiveness they use the expression “to apologize”, which is uncharacteristic for the Ukrainian language, whereas the correct way to write it is “to ask for forgiveness, to apologize”.

In June 2022, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a law banning Russian music in Ukrainian media and public space, but it does not provide for a specific fine. In August 2023, a bill was submitted to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to establish fines for the use of songs or videos of banned Russian performers in trade, public catering and service establishments in the amount of 5,100 to 7,500 UAH. Repeated violation will be punishable by a fine of 17,000 UAH. This bill is at the familiarization stage.

Manipulation The Netherlands was disqualified from Eurovision 2024 allegedly due to complaints from Ukrainians

Propagandists are disseminating information in the Russian media that the representative of the Netherlands at the Eurovision 2024 international song contest, Joost Klein, was disqualified precisely because of his public statements about his love for Russia and complaints from Ukrainians. Although they themselves clarify that the “Ukrainian theme” was not the main reason for this decision. This is manipulation.

Specialists from the StopFake project drew attention to it. They found that even if Ukraine had complaints about the performer's past actions, such as releasing a song about “loving Russian women” or concerts in St. Petersburg after the start of a full-scale invasion, this did not cause his disqualification. Organizers said he was eliminated due to an incident backstage in which Klein allegedly attacked a crew member.

The Dutch delegation indicated that, in its opinion, Klein's disqualification was too severe a measure for the offense committed. The European Language Union, which organizes the competition, has determined that Klein's participation is no longer appropriate given the legal process in this case.

Propagandists spread such manipulations to discredit Ukrainians, create conflict between viewers from different countries and replace the true reasons for the exclusion of a participant with politically motivated ones. Detector Media conducted an online text broadcast of the grand final of Eurovision 2024, where he explained the details of the situation with the disqualification of the Netherlands.

Disclosure Russia plans to use Eurovision, the Olympics and other large-scale international competitions to spread its lies

Journalists from the Finnish publication Yle claim that in May the Russian Federation seeks to use Eurovision and the World Hockey Championship as a platform for propaganda. Then the Russians plan to use similar narratives in the summer at the European Football Championship in Germany and the Olympic Games in France.

The publication adds that a similar campaign was previously recorded in the Latvian segment of social networks. Then a group of hockey players from Latvia took part in a tournament organized by Putin in Kazan. After this, the Hockey Federation introduced a number of bans, and thousands of bots suddenly appeared on social network X, speaking out in defense of hockey players and demanding to “separate sports from politics”.

The Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security at the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine reports that Moscow is going to take advantage of large-scale measures in EU countries to weaken Europe and slow down support for Ukraine. Previously, Detector Media wrote about how Russian propaganda reacts to the exclusion from the 2024 Olympic Games.

Disclosure Documentary film “Ukrainian War: The Other Side” broadcasts Russian propaganda narratives

Australia's national broadcaster ABC has released a documentary “The Ukrainian War: The Other Side”, in which British journalist Sean Langan covers the war through the eyes of the Russian side.

In particular, the film disseminates the following Russian propaganda narratives:

- in 2014, a coup d’état took place in Ukraine;

- Ukrainians from Donbas wanted to go to Russia;

- Ukrainians are Nazis supported by the West;

- Bucha is a fake;

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces use civilians as “human shields” and fire at civilians;

– Russia did not start the war, it is ending it.

That is, in attempts to show the “other” side, Sean Langan actually provided the Russians with a platform to justify their aggression against Ukraine. The Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council writes about this.

The dissemination of such materials to an international audience is promoting Russia and humiliating the Ukrainians, who today are fighting with blood for the right to freedom and independence. We previously wrote that the Ukrainian Ambassador to Australia Vasyl Myroshnychenko called the film “the equivalent of a bowl of vomit”, contacted the country’s Ministry of Communications and asked for an explanation from the TV channel.

Also, in February 2024, a British journalist filmed a similar documentary with the occupiers near Avdiivka, which also turned into an oasis of Russian narratives.

Disclosure How Russia can be involved in a new dangerous youth subculture

The project Beyond the News published a publication about a new youth subculture called Essence, which is added to the name of the city on the corresponding telegram channels. At first, it seems like just another online hangout for teenagers, where members publicly express their opinions about a certain person by suggesting new photos to the administrators. However, in reality it turned into public bullying. Some messages shock adults: “spit on them”, “circumvent them by the tenth road”, “tell them to fu*k off”, “beat them with your feet” - these are just some of the calls that can be seen on these telegram channels.

Most of the publications there resemble revenge on friends or acquaintances or collective bullying of a classmate. In order to insult or frame someone, it is enough to send a photo of the person causing hostility through a special bot and tell nasty things about him. The worst photos are chosen to highlight the victim's abnormality even more. Information is taken from open sources, because teenagers often publish their own photos on social networks, where they can look amazing - this is a kind of teenage trend. Or customers can wait for their victim and photograph him like a paparazzi.

Administrators of such channels are not responsible, since all messages are anonymous. And there were not even cases of punishment for this. Some channels offer victims to find out who ordered them and/or delete the message, but this costs 200-400 hryvnia. Not much, but for a child it can be noticeable.

According to project specialists, not everyone has forgotten the calls for child suicides due to the Blue Whale “game” and mass brawls between teenage participants of the “Redan PMC” in Ukrainian cities. The children first saw them as ordinary communities or subcultures that they wanted to be a part of. In both cases, this happened first in Russian cities and then spread to Ukrainian ones.

The national police then stopped the actions of the teenagers and blocked 30 channels and groups of the Redan private security company in Ukraine. According to official data from law enforcement officers, “the artificial spread of such a subculture is an attempt by Russian propagandists to conduct another information and psychological operation and attract teenagers to illegal activities”.

Specialists from Beyond the News analyzed dozens of telegram channels under the Essence brand. Many of them form one network and are administered by the same people, but there are also autonomous ones. They were unable to find unconditional evidence that this is part of Russian Internet propaganda. Most subscribers are Ukrainian teenagers; communication channel administrators indicate the numbers of Ukrainian mobile operators. There are no suspicious connections with Russian curators. If most of the channels of PMC Redan operated in Russia, then Essences operated primarily in Ukraine. Although investigators found “Entities” with references to Moscow and St. Petersburg in the title, the number of their subscribers is very small.

However, this does not mean that Russia cannot use them with bad intentions. Even if these channels are created and managed by Ukrainian ones, nothing prevents Russian propagandists and FSB agents from buying them out. Subscribers of such resources are a good audience for introducing the necessary enemy narratives. Teenagers in them are deeply involved in the Russian cultural, social and information space. They are well aware of Russian trends, music, the latest rumors, quotes from Russian rappers, sharing sticker packs with their images and Russian “voice memes”. Communication takes place predominantly in Russian, even in the “Essence of Lviv”.

It’s hard not to notice a certain cyclicality: in 2022, Blue Whale returned to Ukraine (the first mentions date back to 2017), in February 2023 – “PMC Redan”, in February 2024 – “Essence” (in fact, back in the summer of last year, however, they have gained popularity only now). This may indicate both natural changes in trends and subcultures among teenagers, and an artificial increase in attention to this phenomenon. Detector Media published a detailed analysis of how Russia actually came up with the subculture “PMC Redan” based on the cultural phenomenon “Redan”.

Fake American student was allegedly expelled for singing a song about Putin at campus

Propagandists on anonymous telegram channels that spread pro-Russian rhetoric are publishing a video that in the United States a student was allegedly expelled from the University of Florida because he publicly sang a song about Volodymyr Putin in Russian. A deduction letter is included with the video. However, this is fake.

Specialists from the VoxCheck project drew attention to it. Based on the phrase “Did a brave thing at Campus Square today”, which is shown in the video, they found the original video on Tiktok. In it, the man sings a different song, not in Russian, and the video does not contain any mention of expulsion from the university.

In the tags for the video, the singer indicated that there is a South African singer, University of Johannesburg and UJ student, which indicates that he is likely a student at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa.

In addition, in the video, the man noted that he performed the song near Campus Square. A Google Maps search revealed that there is a shopping center with the same name in the city of Johannesburg. The image of the location on Google Maps matches the location in the video - this is indicated by blue and black signs and inscriptions on them, a black iron fence and the presence of sand on the street.

Therefore, there is no talk at all about the University of Florida or expulsion from it because of the performance of the song. To forge the expulsion letter, Russian propagandists used a real university admission letter, which can be found in open sources. This is confirmed by identical signatures on both documents.

Propagandists spread such fake news to discredit Ukraine’s Western partners and create a false impression of a better situation in Russia. They say America is a hypocrite because it censors its students.

Fake A Ukrainian refugee allegedly “desecrated and broke” a statue in a Paris museum

Anonymous telegram channels are distributing a video allegedly from the European media Euronews, which states that a Ukrainian refugee in a Paris museum broke the statue of the Swedish artist Anna Uddenberg “Journey to Self-Discovery”, imitating sexual intercourse with it. It's a lie.

The case was investigated by VoxCheck analysts, who determined that Euronews did not create such a story, and the video was simply assembled from different photos and videos that were not related to each other. For example, no information about such an incident could be found on the official media pages on social networks: on the media website, Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter) and YouTube.

Using a reverse search on Google, it turned out that all the footage was used in the so-called story - can be found in the public domain. In addition, according to the information presented in the video, the statue was damaged and its limbs (arm and leg) were broken off. However, this was not shown on the video. No additional information about the destruction of the sculpture was found in other media.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to present Ukrainian refugees as criminals or terrorists, as a cultural and economic threat to the EU - in order to reduce support for Ukraine. We mentioned this in our own research.

Fake A British magazine allegedly made a video saying that Russian musicians are the most popular in Ukraine

A video allegedly belonging to the British magazine New Musical Express is being circulated online. They say, according to YouTube Music statistics for 2023, Ukrainian musicians have been supplanted by Russian performers, in particular Basta, Aigel, Katia Lel, Instasamka and American singer Taylor Swift. However, it turned out to be a fake video.

Specialists from the VoxCheck project drew attention to it. They found that New Musical Express magazine had not released such ratings. In fact, Ukrainian performers are leading the official YouTube Music rankings in Ukraine. It's important to note that Taylor Swift does not appear in this ranking.

The VoxCheck 2023 study showed that in January and February, Russian artists temporarily made it into the top 5, but throughout the year, the leadership belonged to Ukrainian artists. This indicates that the statement about the advantage of Russian musicians is not objective. Also, according to public research, most Ukrainians avoided Russian-language content, indicating changes in cultural preferences during the war.

Propagandists spread such fake news to create a false impression of the superior status of Russian culture compared to Ukrainian culture, even in times of war. Like, Ukrainians really love Russian more because Ukrainian is a surrogate.

Fake The ex-husband of singer Kamaliya allegedly bought fighter jets for the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Users of social networks are again spreading information that the ex-husband of singer Kamaliya, Pakistani Mohammad Zahoor, bought fighter jets for Ukraine. However, this is a fake.

Specialists of the NotaYenota project drew attention to it. They found out that Zahur did not actually buy fighter jets for Ukraine. Kamaliya personally denied this information. This story begins with an interview with Kamaliya in 2022, where the singer stated that she received permission from Zahur to talk about the fact of providing two fighter jets to Ukraine, but without specific details. As it turned out, the singer was referring to military assistance from Pakistan. However, the quote is defaced on a number of websites and social networks, attributing to the Kamaliya man the acquisition of aircraft.

Project specialists drew attention to this situation due to the peculiarities of its reappearance in the Ukrainian media space. They found out that the fake was spread again in early January through one of the Facebook pages, which has more than 440 thousand subscribers. The comments to the message provide a link to the main article, and the domain name of the site distributing this fake is located in the .su zone - the national top-level domain for the former Soviet Union. Even after the Union ceases to exist, the SU domain remains Russian. They note that since 1993, the administrator of this domain has been the Russian Institute for the Development of Public Networks (RosNIRSM), located in Moscow. Since 2009, technical maintenance of this domain has been carried out by the Internet Technical Center, also in Moscow.

The most interesting thing is that the page distributing this stuff through .SU is administered by three persons located in Ukraine. Taking this into account, according to NotaYenota, through pages publishing “good news” about “support for Ukraine” from famous people, fakes can be launched, which test the audience for their reaction to various types of influence.

Fake In Ukraine, fines have been introduced for costumes of the Father Frost and Snow Maiden characters

Pro-Kremlin media are disseminating information that Ukraine has allegedly banned the use of costumes for the characters Father Frost and Snow Maiden, and a fine of 20 thousand hryvnia has been introduced in case of violation. The publications also add a “memo” in which they write: “Father Frost’s clothing (robe, hat, boots, long white beard) is prohibited”, because “St. Nicholas walks with an angel”. It's a lie.

The StopFake analysts analyzed this case and explained that there are no official prohibitions on the use of costumes for these characters. And the Kremlin’s minions could easily create the “attraction” using graphic editors, and then spread the “news” about the ban on costumes. Moreover, as the StopFake experts explain, this information was disseminated only in the Russian segment of social networks, that is, no Ukrainian media published such news.

Newspeak How Russia blurs reality with the help of newspeak: “great Russian culture”

One of the factors that supposedly symbolizes the unity of Russian society and the state is the “great Russian culture”. In them, domestic literature is an important component of culture, the spiritual habitat of the people. This is about Pushkin, Dostoievskyi, Chekhov, Chaikovskyi, Gogol or Tolstoi in particular.

Russians use the term “great Russian culture” in fact with the goal of overcoming their inferiority complex and artificially exalting it in the international arena. They say that the cultures of different countries and peoples have the right to exist, but the “great” one, that is, with an exceptionally rich heritage, is Russian.

For centuries, Russia destroyed Ukrainian culture: language, history, customs and traditions, cultural elite, and this is not an exhaustive list. The Russians distorted facts and appropriated Ukrainian writers and cultural figures, for example, the writer Mykola Gogol or the artist Kazymyr Malevych. Ukraine is allegedly a territory that has always belonged first to the Soviet and now to the Russian heritage.

Russia's war against Ukraine showed the true face of the aggressor. It turned out that the “great Russian culture” can massively educate murderers, rapists and marauders who have thousands of war crimes to their credit. Russians also show the “greatness” of the culture they grew up with by physically destroying monuments of Ukrainian cultural heritage.

For example, in the town of Ivankiv in the Kyiv region, the occupiers fired at and set fire to the local history museum, which housed almost 20 works by the world-famous Ukrainian artist Mariia Prymachenko. In the Kharkiv region, Russian troops destroyed the National Museum of Hryhorii Skovoroda with a direct missile hit. In the Zaporizhzhia region, Russians robbed and destroyed the Vasylivskyi Historical and Architectural Museum “Popov’s Estate”, which is a national monument. The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy claims that in total, the Russians have damaged 664 cultural heritage sites in Ukraine as of July 2023.

The position of Russian culture as great has always had the goal of justifying violence and disregard for others, which is one of the manifestations of xenophobia. Of course, one can be proud of one’s own culture, but when it actually appropriates the achievements of others of its own kind and tries to rewrite history, then talking about the “greatness” of that culture, in our case Russian, makes no sense. It turns out that there is no “great Russian culture” - this is a fiction, rather aimed at emphasizing the supposed superiority of this culture over all others.

Disclosure A “prophetic” poem supposedly by Taras Shevchenko about “treason in Ukraine”, which he did not write, is being distributed on Facebook

In the Ukrainian segment of the Facebook social network, an alleged poem by Taras Shevchenko is being spread, where he seems to predict the events of modern Ukraine: “The poor man cries, the rich man rejoices, and the government robs. Poor people bury sons killed in the war. A rich man who is full and proud makes a wedding”. However, there is no such poem in the works of the Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko.

The case was investigated by fact-checkers of the Center for Countering Disinformation. Taras Shevchenko does not have such a poem, and it is not written in his style. This was pointed out by the Ukrainian writer Oksana Zabuzhko: “Style, damn, style: no matter how the Chekist rabble disguises itself, no matter how it forges a voice for itself, as in the fairy tale about the wolf and the kid, the style will definitely betray them”. In her opinion, “Shevchenko's fakes” are “concocted in the style of an illiterate graphomaniac and thrown into the network as if they belonged to the pen of Taras Shevchenko, with a postscript, to encourage the spreaders, in the spirit of “oh how relevant, indeed a prophet! [...]”.

The original source of the fake poem is the Solomia Ukrainets Facebook page, which is not the first time that it promotes disinformation, anti-Semitism and pro-Russian narratives. In 2018, the publication Chitomo wrote about this with reference to the research Opora.

In this way, Russian propaganda tries to destabilize Ukrainian society, discredit the Ukrainian government and incite a rebellion against it. This “fake poem” appears in posts accusing the authorities of devaluing the lives of Ukrainians almost at the same time as Russian fakes that the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces is calling for a military coup.

Manipulation Valuable museum exhibits are being transported to the West from the Kharkiv Historical Museum forever

Russian media, broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric, are disseminating information that Western countries are using the war in Ukraine to take away Ukrainian historical values. In the Kharkiv Historical Museum, allegedly under the guise of digitizing monuments, they are exporting them to the west of Ukraine, where “their traces are lost”. They seem to be taken “for temporary storage”, but in fact they are not going to return them. This is manipulation.

The case was investigated by the fact-checker of the StopFake project. The Kharkiv Historical Museum named after M. F. Sumtsov is a participant in the international project “Memory Savers”, the purpose of which is to digitize historical monuments, scientific research of museum collections and enter them into a European database. There is no talk about exporting valuable exhibits abroad.

However, it is Russia that plunders Ukrainian museums and galleries and removes cultural property from temporarily occupied territories.

Russian propaganda uses reflexive tactics: it accuses the West of stealing Ukrainian monuments and valuable exhibits. That is, it accuses it of what Russia is really doing in the temporarily occupied territories in order to divert attention from its crimes. Previously, we talked about the message that Russia does not destroy Ukrainian cultural and historical heritage and refuted the fake that Kyiv agreed with UNESCO to transfer holy relics to museums in Italy, France, Germany and the Vatican.

Fake Volodymyr Zelenskyi invited a “Satanist” to become an ambassador of Ukraine

A number of anonymous telegram channels with pro-Russian rhetoric are disseminating information that the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi invited the “Satanist” Maryna Abramovych to become the Ambassador of Ukraine so that she would “be involved in Ukrainian schools”. It's fake.

The specialists from the VoxCheck project drew attention to it. They found out that the article on the British media The Telegraph, to which the propagandists refer, has already been deleted. Its author, in turn, refers to an interview with Maryna Abramovych, a shareholder of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Shanghai, but the fact-checkers were unable to find it. They also note that the English term ambassador, used in the article, can mean both a diplomatic rank and an unofficial representation of the interests of a specific group of people without a government appointment. Ukrainian-language media have no mention of this, and foreign media, such as The Jerusalem Post, refer to the Italian publication La Repubblica, which has no open access publications on this matter. There are no messages about the invitation on the website of the Office of the President of Ukraine, its official telegram channel or Facebook page. Abramovych’s official accounts make no mention of this either.

Propagandists also do not detail why they consider Abramovych a Satanist, not only in messages on this topic, but in all messages where the name of the shareholder appears. According to the VoxCheck analysts, they refer to the situation since 2016, when WikiLeaks published part of the emails from the broken account of John Podesta, who then headed Hillary Clinton's election campaign in the US presidential election. Among them was a message from Abramovych expressing her joy that Podesta's brother, an art collector named Tony, would be attending the spirit cooking. This can be translated as both “spiritual cooking” and “spirit cooking”, which is the more threatening version. In response to this, the shareholder noted in an interview that it was an ordinary dinner with a regular menu, which she calls “spiritual cuisine”. In addition, Maryna Abramovych has a poem called Spirit Cooking, which does not contain satanic motives. From the very beginning of her career, her performances involve testing the boundaries of her own body, which is why they are considered Satanic rites.

Maryna Abramovych has publicly supported Ukraine since February 25, 2022, but there is no evidence that she has received offers to be an embassy or ambassador for Ukraine.

By resorting to such fakes, propagandists aim to discredit the Ukrainian government and those who support Ukraine. They say that it can only be supported by Satanists who grab the opportunity to stay in the headlines on current topics. All this is in order to justify its aggression against Ukraine; it seems that Russia is fighting against the “Satanists” and those who support them.

Fake Sale of icons from the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra will be held in Paris

Russian media and social media users spreading pro-Russian rhetoric claim that it is planned to hold a sale of icons from the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra at a separate auction in Paris. Like, proof of this is a photo of a billboard announcing an event with a scheduled date of October 1. It's fake.

Specialists in the StopFake project drew attention to it. They took a comment from the representative of the Auction House Osenat indicated on the billboard. He stated that this announcement is fake, like the “auction” itself. In addition, on the official website of the House, one can see that there are no auctions or other events scheduled for October 1st.

By spreading such fakes, propagandists want to show that Western countries allegedly deliberately take out works of art from the historical monuments of Ukraine, so as not to return them ever again. However, in fact, some exhibits are being evacuated to European museums precisely because of the relentless Russian shelling of civilian infrastructure. Detector Media wrote how Russian propaganda instrumentalizes the history of Ukraine for its own purposes.

Fake Kyiv agreed with UNESCO on the transfer of holy relics to the museums of Italy, France, Germany and the Vatican

In the Russian and Georgian segment of Facebook and in the media broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric, they disseminate information with reference to the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service that Kyiv allegedly agreed with UNESCO to transfer the Orthodox relics of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra to museums in Italy, France and France as if the holy relics had to be taken out in order to preserve them. It's fake.

The fact-checkers of the Myth Detector project drew attention to the case. They established that the information about the removal of holy relics from the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra to European countries is false. The Minister of Culture of Ukraine Oleksandr Tkachenko wrote on his Facebook page that “not a single sacred value will leave the territory of Ukraine”.  Also, the acting director of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, Maksym Ostapenko, noted that “the reserve did not have such plans and will not have them”. Information about this agreement cannot be found on the official website of UNESCO. This fake was denied on the official Facebook pages of the Ministry of Culture and the National Commission of Ukraine for UNESCO.

By spreading information that Kyiv has agreed to transfer relics to European countries, propagandists are trying to discredit UNESCO and the Ukrainian authorities. Russian propaganda created a fake to sow religious discord, as well as divert attention from the crimes committed by Russia, in particular, from the looting of museums and galleries. Earlier, Detector Media talked about the message that allegedly Russia does not destroy Ukrainian cultural and historical heritage.

Fake At the Paris Museum of Modern Art, an art object dedicated to Zelenskyi was created

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that an art object dedicated to Volodymyr Zelenskyi has been created at the Paris City Museum of Modern Art - a nose that “sniffs white powder”. It is not true.

The case was noticed by the specialists of the VoxCheck project, who investigated that it was an object of an exhibition in Italy in 2018, the author devoted it to dependencies. There was no mention of Volodymyr Zelenskyi at the exhibition.

The art object was created by artist Tom Palluh and first presented in September 2018. The exhibition was held in Parma (Italy), at The Mori Center. Palluh’s Instagram account has a selection of stories about this installation, one of which contains photos and videos that are now being circulated online.

Fake The National Gallery in London demands to take away the painting because it shows a man who looks like Putin

Propagandists spread the information that the National Gallery in London intends to remove from the exhibition a portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and his wife, painted by Jan van Eyck in 1434. Allegedly, visitors to the gallery are outraged that the person in the picture looks like Russian President Volodymyr Putin. It's fake.

Reuters fact-checkers drew attention to this trend. They received a comment from the gallery speaker, who said that there are no plans to remove the painting from the exhibition now, since there are no complaints about it either. It is impossible to find any press releases for the removal of the picture, nor public calls for such actions.

The propagandists want to show in this way that Europe is choking on absurd russophobia. Like, in their blind hatred for Russia and everything Russian, Europeans stick to everything in a row. Detector Media has already described a particular vision of “russophobia” propagated by propagandists.

Fake At the international festival in China, the Ukrainian hopak was called a Russian dance

Propagandists spread information, allegedly on Chinese television during the broadcast of the international festival on the occasion of the Chinese New Year, hopak was called a Russian dance. It's fake.

VoxCheck analysts drew attention to it. They found out that you can see in the screenshots of the broadcast that it took place back in 2021. The festival showed dances from different countries, in particular Egypt, Spain, Argentina and China. Among them was a Russian folk dance, but it was not a hopak.

VoxCheck notes that in this case we are talking about the Kamarynska dance. It differs from hopak in that girls play balalaikas during the performance. Hopak elements can be found in the Belarusian folk dance “liavonykha” and “trepak”, as well as in Crimean Tatar dances.

Thus, propagandists are trying to show that there is no independent Ukrainian culture, since it is allegedly a simulation of Russian. Allegedly, even abroad, everyone recognizes this.

Message Russia does not destroy Ukrainian cultural and historical heritage

The network quotes the representative of the Russian foreign ministry Mariia Zakharova. She believes that the world is “demonizing Russia”, carrying out “forced Ukrainization” and supporting the culture of abolishing everything Russian that exists. Zakharova calls the report on crimes against Ukrainian culture an attempt to “shield the Kyiv regime” and “infringe on the rights of Russian speakers”.

According to the fact-checkers of the project “Beyond the News”, in this way Zakharova reacted to the statement of UN experts regarding the destruction of Ukrainian identity by the Russians, published on the eve of the anniversary of a full-scale war. UN experts published a report in which they note that Russia continues to “denigrate the history and identity of the Ukrainian people to justify war and hatred”. It says that among the important cultural sites of Ukraine affected by the shelling are museums, libraries and churches.

From February 24, 2022 to March 1, 2023, UNESCO registered 245 cultural heritage sites of Ukraine that were damaged or destroyed due to the war unleashed by Russia. There are 106 religious sites, 20 museums, 88 historical and/or artistic buildings, 19 monuments, 12 libraries among them although they add: according to other sources, there may be about a thousand damaged objects.

According to the report, in Mariupol, Lysychansk, Sievierodonetsk and Rubizhne, historical buildings were destroyed for 90%. More than 10 thousand works of art were taken out of the Kherson Art Museum. In the Donetsk region, the invaders use burial mounds as field fortifications. The report also reminds that Russians have destroyed important cultural monuments in the temporarily occupied Crimea since 2014.

Thus, the Russians are trying to deprive Ukrainians of their historical and cultural heritage. Also, such messages feed the Russian narrative about the inferiority of Ukrainians. And the words of Zakharova are an example of the substitution of concepts: they say they destroy and devalue Russian culture, and not Ukrainian. Earlier, propagandists said that Ukraine was striking at its own cultural heritage, and the Kyiv totalitarian regime was waging a cultural war against Russia.

Fake In Milan, they installed “Zelenskyi's nose” sculpture

Reports are circulating on social media that a sculpture in the shape of a nose has been installed in Milan, around which white powder is scattered. Like, the Italians called the sculpture “Zelenskyi's nose” because it reminds them of the Ukrainian president. This is not true.

In Milan, indeed, they placed a sculpture in the shape of a nose, but it has nothing to do with Volodymyr Zelenskyi. A sculpture with a nose and cocaine is located in the Corso Como shopping mall in Milan. It was created by the Italian activist and artist Christina Donati Meyer. The activist sought to use the sculpture to protest the increase in drug trafficking in Milan, especially cocaine. MythDetector fact checkers note that this sculpture is actually called Bianco Natale, Milano-Medellin (White Christmas, Milano-Medellin).

Russian propaganda systematically creates fakes to discredit Volodymyr Zelenskyi both in Ukraine and abroad. To do this, propagandists use cartoon graffiti and fake covers of satirical magazines.