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Message Ukraine has allegedly been “a disputed territory for centuries”

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban told the German newspaper Pioneer that Ukraine had allegedly been a disputed territory for centuries. During the conversation, the correspondent tried to draw parallels between the events in Budapest in 1956 and Russian aggression against Ukraine. Orban said that the situation in Ukraine is completely different and that Hungary was never part of the Soviet Union. “There has never been a Russian-speaking community in Hungary on our territory. Ukraine is a territory that has been a subject of dispute for centuries, which makes it significantly different from Hungary”. He also added that Europe, acting as if aggression against Ukraine is its problem, allegedly ends up in a losing situation. However, this is a manipulation of historical facts.

The history of Ukraine testifies to its long existence as a separate state and its struggle for independence. Although Ukraine has experienced interference from various empires - Russian, Austro-Hungarian and others - this does not cancel out its own historical burdens and aspiration for self-determination. The Ukrainian people have been fighting for their freedom and sovereignty for centuries, and modern Ukraine is a state recognized by the international community with clear borders, secured by international agreements.

Hungary, like Ukraine, was part of the Soviet bloc and was heavily influenced by the USSR. The events in Budapest in 1956 were a consequence of Soviet repressive policies, which were similarly manifested in Ukraine. Therefore, emphasizing the differences between Ukraine and Hungary is artificial, since both countries experienced Soviet pressure and fought for real independence.

Orban’s claim that the “conflict” in Ukraine is moot because of historical disputes distracts attention from the fact that Russia’s current aggression against Ukraine is a clear violation of international law and Ukraine’s territorial integrity. After the collapse of the USSR, Ukraine’s borders were recognized internationally, including by Russia, as recorded in the Budapest Memorandum of 1994.

Orban claims that Europe is losing by supporting Ukraine. However, this claim ignores the fact that the EU, NATO and other international partners are helping Ukraine to defend its independence and the security of all of Europe. Support for Ukraine is critical to deterring aggression and preserving the international principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity.

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