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Disclosure Russians behind fake bomb threats

On October 14-15, more than 1,500 fake bomb threats were sent out in Ukraine, targeting schools, universities, business centers, media, courts, and diplomatic missions, including the US Embassy. Among the institutions that received these letters were also more than 60 Ukrainian embassies abroad, the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security reports.

The author of the letters accused Radio Svoboda (Liberty) journalists Iryna Sysak, Valeriia Yehoshyna and Yuliia Khymeryk. The reason was their investigation into the FSB recruiting children to commit arson. Investigators from Scheme established that the sender of the letters lives in occupied Crimea and has a Russian passport. The letters were signed on behalf of the Fire Cells Group, a group that calls for attacks on Ukrainian military personnel and the Territorial center of procurement and social support employees via Telegram, promising a reward of up to $1,000 for the execution of crimes.

The SBU considers these actions to be part of a Russian information and psychological operation aimed at increasing panic and destabilizing society, in particular by undermining trust in government institutions and the military.

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