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Disclosure Russian propaganda turns anonymous channels into sources of "insiders" who allegedly warn of threats

The founder of the information hygiene initiative "How not to become a vegetable" Oksana Moroz drew attention to this technology.

According to her words, the enemy is constantly sending out warning messages that somehow seem to coincide with reality. Then many people may think: "These sources knew something", a person connects "warnings" and arrivals and trusts such a source.

Now this source will regularly publish "insides" in the style of "there are rumors," "said a verified person from the SSU," "our sources from the President's Office," and "an uncle from the police reported." People believe and will spread this information to warn their loved ones: "Because then the source warned, so he will not lie now."

As a result, these sources will start to disperse panic, which works no worse than rockets and is an information terror. "Detector Media" has already explained how not to waste time on fabrications that someone tries to pass off as news and to select sources of information during wartime.

NGO “Detector Media” has been working for our readers for over 20 years. In times of elections, revolutions, pandemics and war, we continue to fight for quality journalism. Our experts develop media literacy of the audience, advocate for the rights of journalists, and refute Russian disinformation.

“Detector Media” resumes the work of our Community and invites those who believe that the media should be better: more professional, truthful and transparent.
