Fake Stores in Kyiv are running out of products
Russian propagandists spread this information and as evidence, they cite photos of empty shelves. It is not true. Firstly, the photo caption doesn`t mention the information about the time and store in which the photos were taken. Secondly, on October 10 in Kyiv, the air alert lasted from 6:47 a.m. to 12:24 p.m. and started again at 3:14 p.m. At this time, all stores are closed and don`t serve customers. Thirdly, "Detector Media" visited one of Kyiv's supermarkets on the left bank of the city during the break between announcements of danger and made sure that all products were in abundance, there was not a single empty shelf, and there were no queues at the cash registers. There are also ATMs, it is possible to withdraw cash and buy food at kiosks.

The purpose of these about the lack of food products is intimidation, sowing panic, and fear. In the days when Russia is mass-attacking Ukraine with missiles, it is worth checking information especially carefully, not trusting anonymous channels, and, despite everything, trying to keep calm.